Friday 27 February 2015


So your son finally decided to move out of the house and in your zeal to hasten his departure you lifted one too many of his amplifiers. Now it’s Sunday morning and although it’s wonderfully quiet, you’re one twisted sister.
Back pain strikes just about everyone at some point in their lives, but it doesn’t have to debilitate you. In fact, the right kind of movement can be therapeutic, bringing fresh oxygenated blood to sore areas that promotes healing. You don’t even have to forego working out.
"Essentially, it’s safe to exercise with low-back or mid-back pain," says David Hanscom, MD, an orthopedic spine surgeon at Swedish Neuroscience Specialists in Seattle. "Back pain is only a symptom; 99% of the time the pain results from ligaments and muscles around the spine."
That being said, there are some instances when it’s smarter to head for the doctor’s office rather than the gym. These include: If the pain worsens at night and while lying flat, if it persists for six weeks or more, if it’s associated with weight loss and fever, or if you’ve recently fallen or have osteoporosis. Other signs you should get checked out: shooting pain down one or both legs, suddenly crooked posture, an inability to stand up straight, or holding your breath when changing position, says Scott Weiss, a New York physical therapist and athletic trainer.
In the absence of any of these symptoms, it’s okay to be active. Just be mindful, and swap your regular exercises and stretches for these more spine-friendly versions.

Instead of that...Touch-your-toes hamstring stretch
Weiss recommends stretching the hamstrings by putting the heel of one leg up on a chair and tilting your pelvis forward. Keep your back straight as you lean forward (think of pushing your hips back), reaching with both hands approximately six inches above the foot until you feel a gentle pull up the back of the elevated leg. Do not bounce. Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs.


Instead of that...Hurdler’s stretch
The classic hurdler’s stretch—which involves sitting upright on the floor while extending one leg in front and bending the other behind—is just as effective and safer for your back if it’s done lying down, says Weiss. To start, lie on your right side with your head on your right arm, legs stacked, and spine aligned. Bend your left (top) knee, bringing your foot towards your left hip. Gently use your left hand to pull that foot towards your tailbone and hold for 30 seconds. Change sides and repeat.


Instead of that...Leg raises
Targeting the abdominals by lying on your back and slowly raising and lowering straightened legs is one of the worst spine-stressing exercises, says Weiss. Reverse curl-ups put far less torque on the back without sacrificing any of the belly-tightening benefits. To do them: Lie on your back with arms extended, palms down. Bend and raise both knees until they’re at 90-degree angles to your torso, feet off the floor. This is the start position. Bring both knees to the chest while lifting your hips off the floor, then release back to the start position. Repeat.


Instead of that...Jogging or running
Sure, running burns more cupcakes than walking, but all that pounding can make your low back feel crumby. Walking is a low-impact alternative, says Michael Perry, MD, chief medical director at Laser Spine Institute. It gets you outdoors in the mood-boosting sunshine while also supplying a heart-healthy workout. In fact, a 2012 study found that walking just 20 to 40 minutes twice weekly for six weeks helped ease low back pain.


Instead of that...High-impact aerobic classes
Unlike most aerobic exercises, swimming is low-impact and doesn’t involve much twisting of the back, which could potentially cause pain, says Perry. "In addition, as muscles in the neck and back become stronger, they enhance the support of the spinal column, reducing discomfort and pain." The backstroke and breaststroke require less trunk rotation than the butterfly and freestyle.


Instead of that...Treadmill (inclined)
Walking on an inclined treadmill may be great for firming up the butt, but the resulting stress on the hamstrings can strain your back. A Stairclimber is a safer substitute when used properly, says Hanscom. "It enables you to keep your back straight and also requires you to use your quadriceps and hip girdle muscles that allow you to protect your back." Make sure to use proper form, holding the rails lightly without using your arms for support.


Instead of that...Crunches
Planks are a safer way to tone your belly and strengthen core muscles than crunches that require a forward rounding of the spine. Planks are especially good if you have osteoporosis, says Joan Pagano, a certified personal trainer in NYC and author of Strength Training for Women. "It’s safer to work the spine with the torso aligned in a plank position, or with the spine stabilized on the floor." Perform the plank on your forearms, either on your knees or up on your toes. Hold for 30 seconds.
Watch Plank Like A Pro to see this move in action.


Instead of that...Overhead shoulder press
Doing overhead dumbbell presses to strengthen shoulders can compress the spine, warns Pagano. "In general, avoid lifting weight overhead." Instead, do lateral raises, that work shoulders without bullying the back. To do them: Hold a pair of dumbbells in front of you with elbows slightly bent. Raise both arms up and out simultaneously until they’re at shoulder height, pause, return to the start position, and repeat.


Instead of that...Regular yoga
Just about any type of yoga is terrific. As Perry points out: "The American Osteopathic Association cites yoga as a reliever of chronic low back pain. It also helps strengthen the core muscle around the midsection, which helps stabilize the spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle." If, however, your back is too cranky for your regular class, try one that’s held in a heated room. Many people find this warms and loosens tight muscles with less effort. Just make sure to drink plenty of fluid.


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