Friday 27 February 2015

Stone-age food

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Pine Pollen For Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic sugar in the body due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin, a chronic progressive endocrine metabolism with an increase in blood sugar. The World Health Organization emphasizes that diabetes, cancer, and coronary heart disease are equal to lifestyle diseases, so fundamental in the treatment of diabetes is diet therapy, and pharmacotherapy supplemented kinesitherapy.
Clinical practice proves that pine pollen is not only a valuable food product, but also an excellent remedy for diabetes. Pollen is part of many drugs used in the treatment of diabetes.
The mechanism of action of pollen in diabetes mellitus is described below.
Contained in the pollen vitamin B6 plays a protective role in relation to pancreatic -cells. Modern research shows that the main reason for the lack of insulin is the occurrence of disturbances in the functions or -cell destruction of -cells. In turn -cell destruction caused by an unbalanced diet.
Particularly important is the next moment. In meat and other protein-rich foods contain tryptophan, the possibility of absorption and use of which is limited by the human body. Excess tryptophan using vitamin B6 is converted into useful substances for the human body. In case of insufficiency of vitamin B6 excess tryptophan automatically converted xanthurenic acid;
With the accumulation of xanthurenic acid in the body up to a certain amount of it is having a devastating effect on insulin-cells, and they lose the ability to produce insulin, which causes the occurrence of diabetes. But in the use of pollen can absorb and assimilate enough vitamin B6 in order to cope with the excess tryptophan from eating meat and fish, to prevent the conversion of tryptophan to xanthurenic acid, stop the destruction of cell, and gradually restore the ability to release insulin-cells, to achieve gradual cure diabetes.
Pollen is rich in trace elements and macro-elements, which is also necessary for patients with diabetes. Clinical studies indicate that diabetes needed chromium, zinc, manganese, iron, microelements such as magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Restores chromium deficiency activates insulin, sugar improves endurance.
Calcium is able to influence the allocation and release of insulin. Lack of phosphorus can lead to abnormal insulin binding to the cell membrane. Zinc is capable of supporting the structure and function of insulin, and regulation of the functions involved magnesium pancreatic -cells improves metabolism.
Clinical measurements against diabetics have found lack zinc, calcium, magnesium, and calcium addition pollen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium also contains a significant amount of minerals, such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum and selenium.
In pollen contains a large amount of fiber, which according to recent research is needed in patients with diabetes mellitus. In the pine pollen extract among different types of fiber content only lignin is 25.9% after the use of pollen for food in patients with diabetes comes a feeling of fullness that helps eliminate symptoms of the “three lots, and a little.”
Currently, the life of patients with diabetes constitutes the greatest threat to complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, nerve damage, cataracts, and skin diseases. Such complications are caused by impaired metabolism of sugars due to lack of insulin. As a result, the human body does not get enough heat energy. In such circumstances, the human body has to get energy from stored fats and proteins in the body.
However, the transformation of fat into energy and proteins is only possible with potassium. The absorption of large amounts of potassium, the quantity in which the organism is limited, there is a plurality of complications, such as destruction of the glomeruli, leading to kidney disease.
Filtering ability of the kidneys is reduced, increasing the load on the heart and blood pressure rises, there are diseases of the circulatory system. The most dangerous that potassium deficiency leads to the impossibility of conversion of fats and proteins in the energy required to maintain body temperature.
People unaware of reducing body temperature can fall into fainting, or death. Pine pollen is rich in potassium and contains 128.3 mg of potassium per 100 grams of pollen. Admission pine pollen provides sufficient potassium can prevent the occurrence of various complications in patients with diabetes.
According to recent studies reception pine pollen is safe and effective diet therapy for patients with diabetes. However, it should be borne in mind that the beginning of the reception of pine pollen should not stop using previously assigned pharmacotherapy. Must be under the supervision of a physician with the increase in terms of receiving pollen; gradually reduce the use of other means.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great article.
    I searched a long time for pine pollen.
    And I created a while ago.

    Pine pollen acts in my experience as a signaling agent less huger, almost non attraction to sweet stuff. The micro nutrients prevent overeating.
