Tuesday 3 February 2015


culled from:http://successlab.tv
The road to success is most often a very difficult journey.
Road blocks, dead ends, disappointments, bad decisions and failures are in common.
What most people don’t know is
… going through road blocks like these are often the stepping stones to your success.
If you wake up one day and realize that the life you’re living is not the life you want, don’t beat yourself up about it.  The best thing to do is to accept where you are, and more importantly… accept the responsibility for changing where you’re going to be.
Here are 12 things you can start doing today to turn your life around and get it back on track to achieving success:

1. Read Daily

If you want your life to get better, you need to start making better choices.  To make better choices you will need to equip yourself with new ideas and better information.  Make it a habit to read at least 10 pages of great quality information daily. By reading this much content daily, you’ll be able to finish at least a book per month.
Don’t read fiction.  Fiction is meant to entertain you, not empower you.
Read books that have a direct correlation of the areas of your life you want to improve.  Examples include: health, personal finance, wealth creation, business, self-help, productivity, success, biographies, relationships. The knowledge and ideas you’ll get from these types of books will undoubtedly help you succeed.

2. Stop Watching TV

If you pay a monthly cable subscription then do yourself a favor and cancel it. Watching TV is lethal to your success. It’s unproductive and a time-wasting activity of modern society… The average american watched roughly around 25 hours of TV per week.
Most of the content on TV is non beneficial… it’s negative news, advertisements, reality shows, etc and brings no real value to your life.  Start using the hours you waste channel surfing on activities that are more productive.

3. Turn Your Car Into A Classroom

If you work full time, you probably spend somewhere between 5/10 hours per week commuting to and from work. Instead of listening to music or the radio… start listening to inspiring and educational content.
Most books have an audio version and they’re plenty of great podcasts you can listen to free on Itunes.  With an abundance of great content on virtually every subject at your disposal… you don’t have to go back to school to get more education.

4. Start A Savings Plan

Start saving a portion of your income for investment and future use, the best time to stat doing so is now.  Most financial planners would agree that you should be saving a minimum of 10% of your monthly income on a consistent basis.
Don’t make the mistake of working hard for your money, and then using that money to pay everyone else except you. Pay yourself first.  If you don’t think have the discipline to do this, then setup a meeting with the bank to arrange a certain amount of your income to be deposited immediately into a savings or investment account.

5. End Relationships With People Who Hold You Back

There may be some people in your life that you are better off not spending time with. Not everyone has habits or attitudes that are conducive to success, and unfortunately those habits and attitudes are contagious. Like crabs in a bucket, these people are the first to pull you down the moment they see you trying to climb to a higher level. You may have friends, coworkers, or even family members who fit this description.
It’s not always a good idea to instantly cut people out of your life ( doing so typically arouses resentment). Some relationships should be dissolved gently. Gradually decrease the amount of time you spend with the people who you don’t want around you as you move forward. Use the time you would otherwise be spending with them to build new relationships with positive people who support and encourage your success.

6. Put Your Goals In Writing

Without question, the most successful people in the world all have goals. Their goals are the benchmark against which they measure their results. People without goals often have no direction. Like a hamster on a wheel, they move but go nowhere.
*Achieving your goals and turning your life around begins with you identifying exactly what you want to achieve and then creating a strategy for achieving it.

7. Stop Complaining

One of the worst habits a person can have is the habit of complaining. People who complain are usually negative and pessimistic. Don’t be one of them.  If you encounter problems or challenges, don’t complain about them… use that energy to focus on a solution.  If you do catch yourself complaining about something, bite your tongue and re frame the situation.

8. Learn A New Skill

Learning a new skill can bring more excitement into your life.  Consider learning an instrument, learning a new language, joining a club, taking a class, or playing a sport you’ve never played before. The purpose of doing this is to ignite your sense of wonder and creativity… while simultaneously getting out of your comfort zone and into new experiences.

9. Practice Public Speaking

The ability to speak confidently and communicate articulately is one of the most valued and rewarded skills in the market place today.  People who are good communicators are able to navigate their way through life with ease and enjoy more success then those who are not. They earn promotions, they build key relationships, they present their ideas clearly, they resolve disputes, and they typically earn the respect and admiration of the people around them. They are leaders in their organizations, their families, and their communities.
Most people are terrified of speaking in public, and they will do almost anything to avoid it. This presents a tremendous opportunity for those who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and develop this rare skill.
One of the places you can go to practice your communication skills in a non-threatening, positive environment is your local Toastmasters club. Most of these clubs host weekly meetings where anyone is welcome to attend and participate. As you become a stronger communicator, people will begin to perceive you as a leader, and more opportunities will come to you as a result.

10. Stay Hydrated And Exercise Regularly

Success doesn’t come easy… It takes a lot of hard work. In order to put in the work necessary to get to the next level without burning out, you need to build up large reserves of physical and mental energy.
By drinking more water, it will help replenish your system, improve digestion and eliminate waste from your body. Many people make the mistake of thinking they’re tired or hungry when in reality they’re just dehydrated.
By exercising at least 3 times per week, it will help strengthen your heart and lungs. It will also improve your flexibility and strength, helps manage your weight, prevents illness, decreases stress and it even helps you get a better sleep. All of this will have a positive effects on your energy levels, overall health, focus and productivity.

11. Start A Business

f you don’t already own your own business, there is no better time to start one than right now. Advances in technology have removed virtually all barriers to entry for aspiring entrepreneurs. Anyone with an internet connection and a credit card can start a business, and there is no shortage of training and resources available to help you get started.
For about as much as it costs to stay in a hotel for a weekend, you can buy a web domain, create a website, print some business cards, place a few ads online, and start promoting yourself to the marketplace.  You could sell a service (graphic design or consulting, for example), sell your own products, or promote someone else’s products in exchange for a commission.

12. Look For Opportunities To Help Others

Most people think only in terms of what they can receive from others instead of what they can give to others. But the law of reciprocity teaches us that if we want to receive, we should give. Giving ignites the receiving process.
If you want to feel good, one of the simplest yet most effective ways to feel good is to do something to make someone else feel good. If you want people to treat you with more respect, start treating other people with more respect. If you want your life to get better, help someone else’s life get better. The more you do for others, the more others will want to do things for you.


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