Friday 27 February 2015


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When Léo Apotheker became the latest CEO to be ousted by Hewlett-Packard HPQ -1.9%’s board in September, his severance package included $7.2 million to be paid out over 18 months; a $2.4 million bonus for 11 months of service; more than $3.5 million worth of restricted stock; and relocation expenses, including $300,000 to cover losses or other expenses related to the sale of his California home. Plus, HP agreed to pay for his legal fees to negotiate the package.
Most workers can’t even dream of such a golden handshake. But they can take a few lessons from it. First, according to an HP filing, not all of the benefits Apotheker got were in his contract—some were negotiated after he was fired. Second, he got a smorgasbord of goodies. Third, while he didn’t sue, he did get legal advice.
In today’s economy just about anyone can be dealt a layoff hand at any time. So it pays to know how to play it.
Consult a lawyer
If you’re let go the human resources apparatchiks can (and very well may) immediately deactivate your e-mail and ask you to clean out your desk while armed guards wait to escort you from the building. But they must give you at least 21 days to sign a severance deal if you are 40 or older and it requires you to waive your right to sue for age discrimination (as it almost surely will). Many companies give younger workers the same time. Use it to consult a lawyer; find one through fired friends or through the National Employment Lawyers Association.
Expect to pay between $200 and $400 per hour for an initial in-person consult. Keep costs down by collecting all relevant documents before you meet, including: the company handbook; notes and memos that reflect company policy; and all evidence of your employment record.
Have the attorney review the fine print of any deal you’ve been offered. Houston employment lawyer Margaret A. Harris HRS -0.58% says she is seeing more ­extraneous and harmful provisions in initial offers these days, such as cutting off pending claims under the company’s health insurance plan or prohibiting a job loser from ever applying to work at the company again.
Decide who will negotiate
Discuss with the attorney whether you have a potential legal claim, say, for discrimination on the basis of age, race, sex or disability, or for illegal retaliation because you refused to do something improper. Even if you do have a claim, think twice about suing—lawsuits drag on and aren’t good for your mental health or future employment prospects. “There can be negative repercussions to filing even the most valid case in the world,” warns San Francisco lawyer Cliff Palefsky. But knowing you might have a claim could affect your bargaining.
When negotiating, it’s often better to keep the lawyer behind the scenes— both to avoid a big bill and to keep those who might advocate for you within the company on your side. If you choose to have a lawyer negotiate, one common arrangement is a flat fee (say $400) plus a “contingency”—the lawyer might get a third to a half of what he or she can gain, above what you were originally offered.
Shop for an attorney and a fee deal you’re comfortable with. A woman in her 50s who was laid off as an executive of a large entertainment company while she was ill reports one attorney suggested leaking her plight to a gossip columnist. Instead the woman, who asked not to be named, chose a more discreet firm that had represented other employees in disputes with the company. She paid the firm a substantial $10,000 flat fee but only a tiny contingency. After months of wrangling she ended up with a package worth $500,000, twice what she had originally been offered, and her legal bill was only $17,000. Money well spent, says the woman, who is still job hunting.
Ask for more severance pay
No U.S. law requires a company to pay severance—unless a firing comes under the narrow Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, which requires employers to give 60 days’ notice of certain mass layoffs or pay 60 days of salary and benefits. (Some states have similar laws requiring 90 days’ notice.) In addition, an individual or union contract might require severance, and if your employer has a severance pay policy in its employee manual, it generally must comply with that policy, says New York lawyer Wayne N. Outten.
Even if not legally required, severance is the norm, at least at big companies, and is often negotiable. According to a 2009 study by Manpower Co.’s Right Management, U.S. severance averages 2.5 to 3 weeks of pay per year of service for “involuntarily separated” top and senior executives, and 1.4 to 1.8 weeks for others. (But two-thirds of companies cap the total weeks they’ll pay, Right reports.)
You may also be able to bargain over whether you get severance in a lump sum or as salary continuation. On the one hand, you can’t collect unemployment insurance while you are receiving severance. On the other, if you spread out payments the company is more likely to pay for your health insurance during this time, which for most people trumps other concerns, says Robert Barbetti, an executive compensation advisor with JPMorgan Private Bank in New York. Severance is considered taxable pay, and taking it in a lump, say, at the end of the year, could also push you into a higher tax bracket, reducing the net amount you take away.
Make insurance a priority
Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1995, known as Cobra, you are typically entitled to continue your medical coverage under the company plan for up to 18 months. But during this time you can be required to pay the entire premium yourself, which can be enormously expensive. You may be able to get the company to cover the tab for a certain period of time or at least to continue paying the portion it paid when you were employed there. To avoid having this taxed as income, ask the company to make the payment directly to the insurer, says San Francisco tax lawyer Robert W. Wood, a FORBES contributor who has written a book on taxation of settlements.
Also check to see whether you can convert any group life insurance and disability insurance plans to an individual policy. If you’re young and healthy, you might later find cheaper policies on your own. But don’t gamble. Convert the group policies, if you can, as a bridge.
Push for unused options and benefits
Ask to keep unvested interests you may have—such as company matches to a 401(k) plan, deferred compensation, stock options or stock. This isn’t the sort of thing a company will usually volunteer to give you, but it can be significant. Five years ago, as part of severance negotiations on behalf of a client at a high-tech firm, Palefsky insisted on an extra month of stock vesting. It wasn’t worth much at the time but has grown in value to an extra seven figures. If a bonus is part of your compensation package, ask for a prorated share for the year in which you were terminated.
If you’ve got an outstanding loan from your 401(k), make arrangements to pay it back, or the company might automatically treat it as a distribution subject to taxes and possibly an early withdrawal penalty, too. If you’ve got unused dollars in a medical flexible savings account, use them up with a quick trip to the dentist or new pair of eyeglasses—otherwise, you’ll forfeit them.
Other loose ends to tie up: payment for unused vacation time; unreimbursed travel expenses; personal property that needs to be sent home; and company property (such as a laptop, cellphone or company car) that you need to return or would like to purchase.
Get help finding your next job
In today’s tough job market, free access to a good job search consultant might be more valuable than you think—and it’s a benefit that’s not taxable to you. After getting laid off from Goldman Sachs in 2009, one former employee spent six months juggling freelance assignments and going nearly every day to the outplacement firm DBM in New York. “I was still feeling pretty fragile from the layoff,” says this corporate refugee, who was 61 and had never been fired before.
At DBM she attended workshops, met regularly with two different career counselors and made friends with others who had recently lost their jobs. “It was an incredible source of support,’’ says the woman, who found a permanent job when she got a call from a human resources peson at UBS, who had seen her bio on LinkedIn. In May a small asset-management firm wooed her away from UBS.
Ask for a favorable letter of recommendation. Houston lawyer Harris encourages clients to get a couple of detailed reference letters—from people at different supervisory levels. Her client does the first draft, using material from performance appraisals he or she received. Then Harris insists on wording in the severance agreement providing that if a prospective employer calls, human resources will simply confirm the dates of employment and send a copy of the letters. This can’t stop gossip, Harris notes, but it helps the employee walk away with a meaningful recommendation—particularly crucial if you weren’t part of a mass layoff.
If you’re leaving on good terms (say, in a big downsizing) consider asking for consulting work that could form the nucleus of a new life of self-employment.
Protect your freedom to earn a living
Unfortunately, you may have already signed a covenant not to compete and/or a nonsolicitation agreement as part of an initial contract or in return for a promotion, bonus or stock options. If you haven’t, and are asked to sign one in return for severance, see if you (or a lawyer) can narrow the restrictions. (You might also try negotiating to loosen restrictions you’ve previously signed.)
Nonsolicitation agreements, which can prevent you from recruiting prior colleagues as well as clients, are sometimes so broad that you can’t even call former customers, let alone encourage them to follow you to a new company. A noncompete may be even more onerous because, depending on the wording, it can stop you from working for another firm or starting your own business. California disallows noncompetes altogether. Other state legislatures and courts vary in how onerous a noncompete they allow or enforce. To narrow a noncompete, ask your former employer to list specific companies, services or products that are off-limits, or to shorten the time or geographic restrictions in it.
Another increasingly common trap: a nondisparagement clause, which prevents you from saying anything negative about the company, even if it’s true. Palefsky warns that if you’re job hunting and want to explain why you’re on the street, a nondisparagement clause could prevent you from saying something like, “My boss never had a woman vice president. I complained about the lack of diversity and I was laid off.”
It’s one thing to agree not to sue in exchange for severance; it’s another to consent to provisions that could interfere with your ability to earn a living. If all you’re offered is a few months’ pay, says Palefsky, you may be better off walking away from a deal that includes such restrictions. “The real money is in the future,’’ he observes.


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