Tuesday 3 February 2015


culled from:beautyandtips.com

1. Stop talking and start listening
If you are fighting all the time, then you are probably not even listening to what your partner is saying. Sit down together and take turns to talk, one at a time, and that way you might hear, an understand, each other’s grievances better.

2. Bite your tongue – don’t shout!
This is a hard one to do, when you are angry, but the more you raise your voice, the more your partner will too. Once you are both shouting at the top of your voices you will achieve nothing but more bad feelings.

3. Think, before you say anything
Another important tip on how to stop fighting in a relationship is to pause for thought, before you say anything at all. If you don’t, you will just say the first thing that comes into your head and it could be something that you might regret later. When neither of you are thinking straight, the argument will just dissolve into an exchange of insults, which is never a pleasant thing.

4. Take a break from one another
Another tip on how to stop fighting in a relationship is to take a break from one another from time to time. Sometimes a spell apart will give you both the chance to clear your heads. Don’t do this in anger, though, agree to spend a day or weekend apart and it might help to show you both how much you’d be missing one another.

5. Ask yourself if it’s even worth arguing about
Many arguments start over the pettiest of things, so take a breather and ask if this is really worth falling out about. Is it really such an earth shattering thing that is worth risking your relationship for?

6. Stop trying to win
Next tip on how to stop fighting in a relationship is to stop trying to always be right. The best result of a fight is that there is no clear winner, because that way there is no loser either. Try and find a compromise and resist the temptation to always get in the last word.

7. Never mix fighting with alcohol
If one, or both of you, has been drinking, then that’s not the time to resolve a dispute. Even a small amount of alcohol can make you say things that you don’t mean and it will shorten your temper too.

8. Try and understand your partner’s point of view
Even if you don’t agree with your partner, you can at least try and understand their point of view. Ask them to explain why they feel the way that they do and try and talk through the issues, rationally and calmly.

9. Don’t fight over things when there is no right or wrong answer
There just can’t be a winner sometimes and nobody will be right or wrong. Arguments over taste and perceptions are completely pointless, so find a compromise instead. If he wants the bedroom red and you would prefer white, then why not settle for pink!

10. Think about what is important
For some couples, fighting can become an ingrained habit that can ultimately break the relationship. Take a moment to make a list of what is really important and, nine times out of ten, none of those things that you have been fighting about will be on that list.


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