Friday 27 February 2015

culled from:

A lot of people have a crush. Talking to your crush can be very scary and quite intimidating. However, the pressure is off of you! This article will teach you valuable steps and you'll be talking with your crush easily in no time!


Talk to Your Crush Even Though You Are Shy Step 1.jpg
Always have confidence, even if you are shy. Think of who you are, and if your crush likes you the way you are, they will accept you. Having confidence is one of the key ways to get your crush's attention. Not having enough confidence will show through your words and actions. Be proud of who you are!
  1. Talk to Your Crush Even Though You Are Shy Step 2.jpg
    Be yourself when you speak with your crush. Your crush may not like you if you pretend to be someone you're not. Plus, it gets tiring to have to put on an act every day. Your personality should shine through your words. Never be ashamed of who you are - don't try to hide yourself!
  2. Talk to Your Crush Even Though You Are Shy Step 3.jpg
    Conversations can be easily started with just a simple sentence. All it takes is bravery and confidence in yourself. If you are passing in the hallways, just try to get the courage to greet them and softly smile. There is nothing more powerful than a genuine, acknowledging smile. Eye contact is also very important in this step.
    • If you have a crush on a girl, compliment her outfit (or hair, but only if it does actually look nice. If it's obvious she's having a bad hair/outfit day, she'll be self-conscious about it so keep quiet and find another way to start a conversation), or compliment her on things she does in class as well, or something you know she did like an event or win an award.
    • If you have a crush on a guy, you might want to compliment their looks and outfits (if you really like an item of clothing they wear well, like a hat, compliment it), or focus on something they did. For example, you could say, "Hey, that presentation you did in class was great" or "You did great at yesterday's soccer game!". Things like this will boost their ego and make them feel great about themselves.
  3. Talk to Your Crush Even Though You Are Shy Step 4.jpg
    Have an interesting topic to talk about. Read some blogs or check the news. Read magazines, books, watch TV, have adventures, listen to different music, and watch different movies. If you expand your knowledge to a variety of topics, you'll have lots to talk about with your crush!
  4. Talk to Your Crush Even Though You Are Shy Step 5.jpg
    Don't lie when you talk to your crush. If he/she enjoys a hobby that you don't, refrain from lying and telling them you like it also well. Your crush will eventually discover the truth and their opinion of you will diminish a little or greatly.
  5. Talk to Your Crush Even Though You Are Shy Step 6.jpg
    Be nice. Never give your crush mean looks or anything to draw attention unless he/she knows you're joking with them. When you do tease or joke with them, make sure it's obvious and that you don't really mean it. However, too much teasing may lead to hurt feelings and a sour relationship! Keep your teasing to a minimum and light-hearted; tease them only about things you know that they won't mind. Keep away from touchy topics.
  6. Talk to Your Crush Even Though You Are Shy Step 7.jpg
    Break bad habits. If you have any bad habits while talking to your crush, you'll be at a downside. Try to be yourself, but refrain from cursing excessively, calling everything retarded, etc. Keep your conversations innocent, clean, but entertaining in a positive way.
  7. Talk to Your Crush Even Though You Are Shy Step 8.jpg
    After talking to crush a lot, finally come out with saying you like him/her, but don't say the exact line! Your line should be something like a hint, but big and clear enough that your crush will get the point and understand. Come up with something original:
    • Try not to use "um" and "ah" too much. It will make your crush think that you're far too shy! When confessing your crush on them, let them know about it with confidence. Everyone likes someone with confidence - the more confidence, the better. However, be careful about having too much confidence!
    • "Hi, um, look, I think you're a cool guy. I'm sure there's a girl that likes you out there." will be good enough (see tips for more suggestions).
    • Refrain from sounding like you have practiced the line. One to three "um" or "ah" will make it sound more natural - stick them in appropriate places!
    • Have eye contact when you're telling your crush you like him/her. It will make you appear more confident and it makes you look bold!
  8. Talk to Your Crush Even Though You Are Shy Step 9.jpg
    If your crush likes you back, then ask him/her out! However, if your crush doesn't feel the same about you, it's fine. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. The right person is out there, waiting for you to come around the corner. If you never get past this event, you will never find your true love! Move on! 
  9. Tips

  10. Do not tell your crush you like them if their attitude towards you is negative. If your crush does like you, he / she will probably be looking down at the floor, smiling shyly and they will look into your eyes. If they seem annoyed by you, it might not be useful to tell them you have feelings for them.
  11. When you are ready to talk to your crush, try to dress in a way that will boost your confidence and make you feel comfortable. It will make things a whole lot easier on you. Try wearing an outfit that your crush once complimented.
  12. Remember: if your crush isn't into you, there will definitely be others! Try not to obsess about this one person.
  13. Do not leave it too long! If you do, some other guy might get her before you do, that is an awful feeling.
  14. Before you tell your crush you like them, find a chance to initiate subtle touches to them. (Something that could be passed off as an accident if the person questions it; If you notice that the person doesn't like it, they may not be interested). See if the person responds to these touches. If they do they are most likely interested.
  15. Do not be rude if your crush doesn't like you back. It isn't fair to them that you are giving them mean looks and are rude to them just because they are not interested in you.
  16. Remember that almost everything in our lives worth having takes guts and courage. You can do it!
  17. Always feel cute! Having excellent hygiene will help you achieve that feeling. Brush your teeth, take a shower every day, etc.
  18. Be truthful. Do not lie. If you lie to the person you like, they will find out eventually and never respect you for it.
  19. Don't come out too strong.
  20. Warnings

  21. Do not tell your friends you like him / her unless you can honestly trust them. They might tell everyone, making the situation between you and your crush awkward! And even if they don't tell, you still might feel awkward interacting with your crush when they're watching you.
  22. Having your friends talk to him for you can be awkward for the guy; it is best to just talk with him yourself.
  23. Try not to play with your fingers or any jewelry you have on. They will know you're nervous and that isn't good

1 comment:

  1. Bello Ayodele David
    What a romantic article! No matter how beautiful or handsome he looks since he or she is your crush take a step of courage to talk to her,it could work.
