Tuesday 3 February 2015


culled from:http://www.lifehack.org
Many men think that seduction stops when the relationship begins. Some guys think of  “settling down” as a kind of retirement, a vacation from being an independent charismatic person, and a shift to a more restrictive lifestyle. These men know nothing about women or living as a couple…
The contradiction is that in seduction the idea is to show you are attracted and make the girl attracted back. There’s no use in trying to conceal it. But why do we use the tools of seduction during the first few dates and then throw them away? And why do we trade in the excitement of the seduction for the stability of a relationship anyways?
We will explore all of these issues through the most important question: does seduction stop once you enter the door of a relationship? Hang on; the answer is going to blow you away!

A relationship is not an end in itself

What many people forget is that entering into a relationship is not jumping into a bed of rose petals. It shouldn’t be some kind of life goal (note that people obsessed with the idea of living as a couple face enormous difficulties in finding a suitable partner) nor fate.
I have often observed this kind of thinking. The guy in a relationship is seen either as a caged prisoner desperate for freedom, or as the luckiest man in the world (let’s be honest, according to the shape of his girlfriend).
However, we all need to recognize that the flame of a relationship grows through a simple process: seduction.
There is nothing shameful in this. Having feelings is not something we control. They are there, and that’s it. From that point on, it is our responsibility only to make enough efforts to continue just enough to keep the flame alive.
Love stories don’t just happen, gentlemen. They evolve, taking shape, according to mutual feelings, time spent together, arguments, or successes …

Love stories as cyclical patterns

What people see on the surface in any relationship is a happy couple, solid, ready to meet the challenges of everyday life. This idea is bolstered by what we often consider a traditional family (two parents and two children).
These standards tend to make us believe that once we fall into a relationship the worst is over. We’ve made it! But then the passion dies. “L’amour fou” (mad love) is a short-term contract. Once this period (from 1 to 3 years according to experts) is over, the challenge begins.
Yes, I said it: CHALLENGE. Any routine that can lead to comfort, can also lead to weariness. And weariness can slowly lead to separation. You must build a set of habits that keep things interesting if you want to push through this period.
This spiral can be prevented, and here we’ll give you some tools to push through … First off we need to establish that seduction should constantly remain part of your repertoire. Second, stop thinking about whether or not you’ve found “the one” (it’s a silly question, it will be obvious, and it’s the basis of a boring relationship).

Actions to fully satisfy your partner on a daily basis

Relationship seduction will be A couple needs energy and dynamism. The latter can be created or promoted by following some simple but effective principles:
Be yourself: It is a necessity. A man who acts like a phony dick will eventually be tossed into the trash heap. Psychological and intellectual challenges must be permanent. Your personal development is at the heart of your relationship. Be a man or your relationship would not survive.
Don’t be predictable: Instead of waiting for a birthday or valentine’s day, be more the type to organize surprises from time to time (go out to dine in a restaurant, travel or make a short trip, have a romantic weekend …). This will kick boring habits to the curb. Include your partner in your personal development process. Bam! Two birds and one stone…
Always be honest and sincere: A life based on lies and deception doesn’t last you very long. If you love your partner, prove it by allowing him or her to get a place in your world and never hid from her what lies deep within you.
Be strong:  If you can share your feelings and thoughts, be careful not to abandon your status as an independent man. Women are looking for protection and security (financial, intellectual, psychological and physical). So do not spend your time complaining or highlight your weaknesses.
Be independent: An attractive man is a proactive man, always demanding challenges and personal fulfillment. If she feels she is a hindrance to your development there may be lost confidence (on both sides) in your ability to be happy with her. Stay active!
This is but a small snapshot. Unlike in traditional seduction, in relationship seduction men need to consistently and effectively work on their image, behavior… otherwise the relationship could go haywire. So, is seduction important to relationships? Yes!
Seduction is not only important; it is the cement, the base. If you abandon this outlook when settling down with a woman, you lose yourself and your freedom, and you might lose the girl in the process.
You have been warned, my friend.


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