Friday 27 February 2015


1. Reverse Crunch
Lie faceup with calves resting on ball, arms at sides. Press legs into ball, squeezing it between calves and thighs. Contract abs and lift hips 3 to 6 inches off floor and pull knees toward chest. Hold for 1 second, then lower.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Contract abs and just lift ball off floor, keeping hips down.
Make it harder Keeping neck in line with spine, lift head and shoulders off floor as you raise hips. Hold, then lower both upper body and hips.

2. Rock and Roll
Start on knees, with legs about hip-width apart. Place fists on ball in front of you. Keeping body in line from head to knees and abs tight, lean forward and roll onto forearms. Hold for 1 second, then roll back to start.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Bend hips instead of keeping body in a straight line as you roll onto forearms, or keep body in line and roll only partway onto forearms.
Make it harder Once you're balancing on forearms, straighten legs and press balls of feet into floor to form a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat.

3. Ball Curl
Sit on ball, walk feet forward, and roll torso down until bottom of butt is just off ball and middle and lower back are on ball, feet together. Place hands behind head. Lean back, pressing upper back into ball, then exhale, contract abs, and curl forward until upper back lifts off ball.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Place feet wider than hip-width apart for more stability, and cross arms over chest.
Make it harder Straighten one leg so it's parallel to floor and you're balancing on one foot. Do half the repetitions, then switch legs to finish.

4. Skier
Lie over ball on all fours. Walk hands forward so ball rolls under thighs, legs together, abs tight, and body in line from head to toes. Bend knees and pull them and ball (it will roll to shins) toward right shoulder. Hold for 1 second, then roll back out and repeat to left side.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Hold start position—body in line from head to toes, abs contracted—for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat one more time.
Make it harder Start with ball under shins and let it roll to tops of feet as you draw knees in.

5. Pike

Start in the same position as the Skier, legs together, ball under thighs, balancing on hands, and body in line from head to toes. Keeping legs straight, contract abs and lift hips up toward ceiling, rolling ball to shins. Hold for 1 second, then lower. (Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Lift hips just a few inches and roll ball to about knees.
Make it harder Start with ball under shins and roll to tops of feet and lift hips so torso is as vertical as possible, like you're doing a handstand.


Cardio Routines

These calorie-melting workouts maximize fat loss, boost your energy, and improve your fitness level—fast! In one study, dieters who also walked 50 minutes 3 times a week lost nearly twice as much belly fat as women who only dieted. You can do any type of cardio exercise (walking, jogging, cycling, or using a cardio machine) with these workouts.

1 comment:

    From this article, the best way for me to Shrink my belly is Rock and Roll.
