Friday 27 February 2015

signs of illness

Your body is a complicated network of interconnected structures and systems. And when something goes wrong, problems can pop up in places or ways you'd never suspect. From hiccups to criminal behavior, here are 9 weird signs you may be suffering from a hidden health condition.
Gnarly Nails
If your nails have little white nicks and gouges—almost like an icy surface that's been scraped up—those "pits" may be a sign of the skin disease psoriasis. While you probably think of skin rashes and irritation when you think of psoriasis, pitted nails affect between 80% and 90% of patients with the condition, concludes a study from Dermatology Research and Practice. In fact, some people experience nail issues before there’s any sign of a skin problem, the study authors say.
Lumps Under Your Skin
Firm bumps or "nodules" under your skin may be the first symptom of rheumatoid arthritis, suggests a study from the journal Dermatology. These lumps—which are composed of tissue and can grow to the size of walnuts—tend to show up close to your joints, especially in your hands and near your elbows. Fortunately, they usually don't hurt.
An Achy Achilles

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Even if your skin is clear and itch-free, pain in your Achilles or heel can be a symptom of psoriatic arthritis—a type of tendon pain linked to the skin condition. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, swollen "sausage-like" fingers and toes are also a sign of this particular form of arthritis.
Hiccups That Won't Go Away
If you can't stop hiccupping for 48 hours or longer, it could be a sign of lung or esophageal cancers, shows a study from Taiwan. Ditto for stroke. Your central nervous system controls hiccupping, and brain issues and some types of cancer affect that system. (Find out other cancer symptoms people ignore.)
Frequent Chills
Of course, that's most people this time of year. But if you tend to feel cold even during the warm summer months, that may be a sign of an underactive thyroid gland. By limiting your body's energy burning, heat-producing functions, an underactive thyroid can leave you feeling chilly all the time, suggest research from Southern Illinois University.
A Craving for Ice
Craving ice chips? You may be anemic due to an iron deficiency, shows a study from the American Journal of Medicine. A hankering to eat ice—a type of "pica," which is a desire to eat non-food items—may be linked to the tongue pain or swelling that can occur when someone's anemic. The research found that 44% of anemia patients crave ice.
An Urge to Steal

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A newfound enthusiasm for swiping stuff—a pack of gum at the gas station, or cosmetics at the drug store—is one of the earliest known signs of one particular type of dementia, shows research from JAMA Neurology. This form of dementia messes with the part of your brain that helps you recognize societal rules and conventions—hence your sudden disregard for the law, the study authors say.
Geographic Tongue
If dry white patches form weird shapes on your tongue, similar to the outlines of states on a map, that could be a sign of celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes your body to attack itself when you ingest gluten. If you're also experiencing diarrhea, fatigue, vomiting, or weight loss, don't disregard your funky-looking tongue, warns an Italian study on celiac disease.
Constant Peeing
Frequent urination is a common early symptom of type 2 diabetes, shows a study from Wake Forest University. When your kidneys struggle to manage blood sugar, they try to get rid of some of the extra sweet stuff via your pee. And since you're peeing more, feeling dehydrated is another early symptom of diabetes, the study shows.


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