Friday 27 February 2015


Raising self-sufficient children; financing their education; and launching them into the work world is a major preoccupation for boomer parents. I’ve covered the subject in posts like “Recent Grad Finds Job Through Her Dad’s LinkedIn Account,” and hosted guest posts from both parents (see “A Year-By-Year Guide To Job Hunting During College,”) and young adults (for example, “Gen Y Quits Day Job, Moves To Beirut, Writes Home About It). In today’s guest post I offer the perspective of Priscilla Claman, a career coach who has observed new college grads make the tough transition to being employees. Claman is president of Career Strategies and author of ASK. . .How to Get What You Want and Need at Work. Her thought-provoking article will interest new graduates, their parents, colleagues and bosses. I invite you to comment about it in the space below.
By Priscilla Claman

“You are special,” is the message you hear in college. Don’t expect to be treated that way at your first job. Photo: Getty Images
This fall, college graduates of the class of 2013 who have been lucky enough to find a job will go to work instead of going back to school. That will be a rude awakening for some of them.
Fall used to mean new classes, new ideas, new friends and challenges, and a chance to reset your expectations of yourself. At work, there’s no seasonal cycle. You no longer have that exciting sense of freedom, and your time is no longer your own.
The transition to full-time work is tough for many people. Generational stereotyping doesn’t help. Whatever generation you are from, surviving the transition to a first real job requires some major shifts in thinking. Here are the four most important ones, along with suggested career strategies.
1. It’s not about you anymore. In college, your job is to increase your knowledge and skills. “You are special,” is the message you hear over and over. But now, you aren’t quite so special. It’s back to being the low person on the totem pole.
At work, the focus is on the purpose of the organization that you just joined – not on you and your skills. What the organization wants and needs determines what you do.
Recent graduates reveal their misunderstanding by telling interviewers, “I want to work here because it is a place where I can learn and grow and advance.” That’s naïvely thinking about an employer as if it were a college. Instead focus on what you want to contribute to the organization’s success. From the employer’s standpoint, your learning and growth is just a byproduct of their success.
Strategy: Determine what the objectives of your organization are, and help the organization achieve them, while improving your skills and knowledge.
2. You need to keep the customer satisfied. Students are the customers of colleges and universities. The competition for their tuition dollars has intensified as enrollment has declined. Colleges are treating students as valued customers by increasing student perks like new dorms and athletic facilities.
At work, you aren’t the customer. The organization, your boss, your colleagues and other departments are all your customers, along with any external customers you may be serving. And like all customers, some internal customers are demanding; some are wonderful; some are clueless. You need to treat all of them with the same degree of professionalism.
Having “internal customers” can be a new experience, even for those who worked in restaurants during school. Internal customers have a profound impact on your career. They influence how you are viewed by the people above you. In college, you could complain about a professor without that impacting your grade in the next course. At work, complaining about your boss, your colleagues, or senior management can get you a negative reputation no matter how strong your performance is.
Strategy: Act professional, and don’t get caught up in gripe sessions or associate with people who complain.
3. Feedback isn’t automatic. In college, you generally know where you stand with your professors. You get some kind of feedback after every major paper, presentation, or exam, measured by a professor’s somewhat consistent standards.
To get an excellent rating at work is a lot harder and requires a lot more experience and effort than getting an “A” in a course at college. It involves doing more that what is expected of you on the job.
The lack of regular, ongoing, detailed feedback is another hard part of the transition. Many managers don’t take the time to critique each project or assignment. More often, they say something vague like, ”Good job,” and hand out a new one. That leaves many recent grads unsure of how they are doing.
Strategy: Ask for feedback. Appropriate times are at the completion of an assignment or before tackling a new one. For instance, you can ask your boss, “What could I have done differently during that project?” Or “What would make this an even better report?” Another possibility: ask a colleague for help, for example by saying, “I’m going to make a presentation in our department meeting. Would you please listen to it and tell me what I could do to make it better next time?”
4. You won’t always get a trophy. In an academic environment, you own your ideas. Claiming someone else’s idea or words as your own could get you in big trouble. Although collaboration is becoming more common in college, it’s still not the norm.
In contrast, at work all the ideas, inventions, or words you come up with are legally the property of your employer. (See “Ten Things Your Boss Doesn’t Want You To Know.”) So, there is less incentive to give you credit for your work.
While the best managers are willing to give credit where it is due, things don’t always work that way. In organizations, most work is a team effort and members of that team share the credit.
Strategy: To become respected and influential, contribute freely to your team. Offer your best ideas without asking for credit. You will build a reputation for your talent, whether it is writing well or being adept with spreadsheets. In time, people will become aware of your expertise and come to you for help. The most famous and respected consultants give away ideas to their clients all the time – and get paid handsomely for it. 


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