Tuesday 3 February 2015

culled from:http://allwomenstalk.com
When was the last #time you felt happy? Most people make the mistake of thinking life has to make them happy and when it doesn’t go their way or nothing happens to cheer them up, they wonder why they feel so flat. There are things you can do to keep yourself happy, though. Here’s my list of the top ten ways to make yourself feel happier every day.

1. Be Healthy

Photo Credit: Valentinian
Being healthy will ensure you release the right amount of endorphins to make yourself feel good. Make sure you are eating right and take the dog for a run. You’ll feel much better when you're done!

2. Stop Worrying

Photo Credit: My Personal Point of View
Worrying won’t get you anywhere and will just make you unhappy and cause stress. Either do something to fix the problem or forget about it! Some #things are out of your hands, and accepting that will make you much happier.

3. Compliment Others

Photo Credit: Tja'Sha ♥
Have you seen a woman with lovely shiny hair, or a girl in a gorgeous coat? Tell them how great they #look. You’ll make them feel great, and in turn you’ll feel great too. Make sure you mean it though!

4. Sing

Photo by JaviC
Put your favourite songs on loud and sing along. Singing causes the brain to release chemicals which will make you feel happy, and you’ll have burnt calories and had fun too! Make #time for this every day.

5. Get a Pet

Photo Credit: kaoni701
Petting an animal is supposed to make you feel good and having someone around to talk too and make sure you aren’t lonely is good too. Walking a dog is a good way to keep fit, too! It’s a win #win situation.

6. Enjoy the Present

Photo Credit: For Ashlee
You can’t change the past so let it go and forget the bad times. It’s #time to focus on the good times! Give yourself a few minutes every day to let go and you’ll feel much happier.

7. Be Assertive

Photo Credit: ukmcbo
Learn to say no to things you don’t want to do. You don’t need a real reason, just make something up. You’ll be much happier if you aren’t doing a million and one #things you don’t want to do. Definitely a lesson for life that I try my best to follow.

8. Take Photos!

Photo Credit: static416
Take photographs of everything. Happy and cute pictures cause our brains to remember the times, and feel the same happiness so this usually works even when all else fails! Try to keep your photographs well organized in an album.

9. Buy Yourself a Present

Photo Credit: pattpoom
Buy yourself some chocolates or flowers just because you are great. This is sure to cheer you up. While you are at it, buy some for somebody else and make their #day too!

10. Watch a Funny Video

Photo Credit: Typefaces
If everything else failed, check out this video! antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov
It never fails to make me laugh, and feel a bit better about the day.
Feeling happy is just a matter of doing #things that you enjoy. These simple tips should ensure you feel happy every day, and make you feel fantastic! Have you got a tip for feeling happy every day, or a funny video? Please share it with me!
Top Photo Credit: loish24


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