Thursday 26 February 2015

We Need Leaders Who Go Off the Rails

I make it my business to fail – usually in unobstructed view, sometimes in grand fashion. I don’t for one minute mind exposing missteps. Some might see that as a weakness, but I suspect it’s my vulnerability that helps me sway the hearts and minds of the people who follow me and my company on our mission to fix health care.
In business, you hear a lot about ‘authentic leadership;’ this is great, as long it’s encouraging leaders to go off the rails more. If leaders are truly in it for the mission, doing what feels good usually won’t be wrong…even if it goes against the approved path and conventional style. And when it does go wrong, there will be a lesson along the way. What I’m noticing is that the vulnerable, soft edges of leadership aren’t encouraged enough. “To err is human,” after all, so why does the world cringe so often at leaders’ unscripted, honest moments?
I believe great leaders show their whole selves. Does anyone remember “Mo” Cheeks, former NBA player and coach? In this one-minute YouTube video, you can see great, authentic leadership at its best: his actions are driven from the gut. Listen to the man’s singing voice. There’s vulnerability written all over this moment, captured on video for all to see. My point is that great leaders are not shackled to talking points or cycling through canned speeches. Really great leaders build or solve things differently for profound impact where most don’t even know it’s possible to tread. Apple used to call them the “crazy ones – round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently.”
I admit, I’m a “crazy one.” My own genuine, vulnerable and impulsive moments are sometimes captured publicly. I’d like to think this attention is due to the fact that athenahealth is fundamentally different from all others in health care. It’s because we’re disrupting the status quo.
As we learned from Brene Brown, we must combat the idea of perfectionism and “dare to show up and let ourselves be seen. This is vulnerability. This is daring greatly.” How could the fraternal nature of like-minded enthusiasts out to create and bring innovation to health care be anything but good?
In health care, what needs exposure is the gonzo state of disconnectedness in this profoundly dysfunctional industry of ours, and perhaps many leaders who aren’t afraid to appear dysfunctional in the process of bringing about positive change. It should be startling that we live in a world where the fax machine remains standard across our country’s best hospitals. This industry, which has put some $30 billion against digitizing patients’ medical records, is failing. Saying this out loud is a necessity because anything less propagates the falsehood of advancement. How will this change? We need more leaders in health care to be authentic, not be afraid to fail, and to find comfort in their own vulnerability.


  1. a good leader should be able to make extraordinary measure.... good article.

  2. Ojenike Olusoji Peter
    occupying a Leadership position is a great task, its demands that we take deliberate action to study and improve our skill during this time. Leaders should make constant effort to add to their knowledge because their members looks up to them for direction
