Tuesday 3 February 2015


culled from:beautyandtips.com

1. They do everything together
Everyone needs some time to themselves and the thought of spending every second of every day with the same person would drive most of us mad. Surely, the happiest couples are those that have their own interests, hobbies and some friends outside of the relationship. At least, that way, they have something to talk about.

2. Happy couples have found the ‘one’
It might feel like there is only one person in the world for you, and that is lovely, but the reality is, there are other people out there as well. Taking this myth literally would suggest that you have to stay in an unhappy relationship, because no one else exists for you and, that simply is never true.

3. True love should be like it used to be in the movies
Sorry to disappoint lovers of the romantic movies, but it’s not real life! But then, that’s why we love the movies, it takes us away to an imaginary and perfect place, just for an hour or two, anyway.

4. Happy couples never argue
If you don’t fight sometimes, then you are probably not talking to each other. Happy couples may not fight in public, but you can bet they have their moments, when they are home.

5. A happy relationship makes your life complete
Happy couples don’t instantly forget all their own dreams and aspirations and, if they do, they are missing out. Far from it, in a good relationship, your partner will encourage you to do better and be there to help you achieve your goals, not subdue them.

6. Happy couples always completely and totally understand each other
This is a nice image to have and, maybe, after years and years of marriage, some people have even reached this stage but, for most people, completely understanding each other and never having the odd surprise, is not what a happy relationship is all about.

7. True love means never-ending happiness
Even the happiest couples experience the ups and downs in life that everyone does. It’s dangerous to think that a happy relationship will protect you from all the bad moments. It’s more important to know that your partner will be there for you, when those moments do, inevitably, come.

8. They can’t live without each other
It’s not healthy to think that you couldn’t live without each other and it’s certainly not a requirement for a happy couple. A feeling that just one person is absolutely everything in your life is a sign of insecurity, not a sign of true love!

9. Happy couples only have eyes for each other
There’s a big difference between looking and doing! Of course, happy couples will still notice a beautiful girl or a hunky guy, walking into the room. They wouldn’t be human if they didn’t. It’s the fact that they do nothing about it that really counts.

10. They never tire of each other’s company
If you believe this, then you will believe anything! There are, of course, no hard and fast rules in love and, who knows, perhaps some people do spend all their lives laughing, joking and staring deeply into one another’s eyes. For most of us, though, love needs a little bit more nurturing, so don’t worry if your relationship doesn’t match up to these myths, because most never do!


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