Tuesday 20 January 2015

culled from:wikihow.com


Find perfect perfume Step 1.jpg
Find your perfect perfume. Don't just wear something because it's a designer perfume. Make sure you absolutely love the perfume's top notes and bottom notes. To find out if you like the bottom notes, spray a little of the perfume on the back of your wrist and wait 20 minutes and smell the perfume again. Do you like it? You can also filter your decision by going to an actual perfume store (like Bath and Body, or at a perfume counter at a department store) and ask for help.

  1. Take a shower Step 2.jpg
    Take a shower or bath before applying. Your skin absorbs more after it's wet. If you take a shower at night, know that the perfume won't last as long when you apply it in the morning with dry skin.
  2. Put lotion Step 3.jpg
    Put lotion on your pulse points. Pulse points include the inside of your wrist, the crook of your elbows, the back of your neck, behind your knees, and the inside of your ankles. Make sure the lotion is unscented or the same scent as your perfume. Wait a minute or two for the lotion to dry.
  3. Spray perfume Step 4.jpg
    Spray the perfume on the pulse points. Spray one spray for each pulse point even if the perfume is really light. No one likes someone wearing too much perfume.
  4. Be confident Step 5.jpg
    Be confident with your scent! Remember to wear your scent and not let the scent wear you!
  5. 6
    Some good fragrances are Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana, Jordan, Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Polo (Ralph Lauren), Musk by Alyssa Ashley etc. Search for low prices if possible, but if they are unattainable, then the following listed will suffice. Conversely, if you want a more personalized or distinct scent unlike typical brand perfumes, you can search online stores, such as Etsy, for unique, handcrafted scents that usually cost less than store bought perfumes.


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