Wednesday, 28 January 2015

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If an image is worth a thousand words, then hyperlapse video is surely worth 12 times more. Truly, this new-age application introduced by Instagram in August is perfectly designed to capture time-lapse videos in user-friendly format. As the term suggests, time lapse video is a perfect medium for condensing long experiences into brief episodes. And these are mostly used to promote products or services. Earlier creation of time lapse videos required costly devices. Now, developing these videos has become simpler with Hyperlapse application.
Instead of focusing on the looping videos, Hyperlapse application makes use of algorithm for high-quality image stabilization. This stabilization process helps the users to counteract the bad effects produced due to shaking of hands while shooting. As a result, flawless time lapse videos are produced.
A user only chooses the playback speed up to 12 times more than that of the original recording to film a scene. The software does the rest. Filters or any other complex devices are not required. You can even share these videos on other social networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook and so on. When you have decided to use these videos for your organization, make sure to incorporate #hyperlapse, as people are curious about this application, making content highly discoverable.
8 Ways To Promote Products With Hyperlapse Videos
If you have considered including video in your marketing strategy and you are not sure how to go about it, here are a few ways you can promote products with these videos.

#1. Smart Product Demos

Due to low cost, Hyperlapse application can certainly change the whole perception of video production. Earlier you required innovative concepts or proficient production team to make a unique video for product promotion. With the introduction of this application, the businesses now can display their products effectively without using professional devices, such as a dolly camera. Making a video without dolly was unthinkable even a few years ago. Currently, hyperlapse allows you to create videos even on mobile devices. Instagram is a proven marketing tool for the ecommerce industry and the Hyperlapse feature also displays tremendous marketing potential.

#2. First-hand Product Glimpse

Reveal the upcoming products and even the product features. Help the viewers to anticipate how the product will work. Unlike promotional stills, these lively videos create a good feeling about the product. Make use of hyperlapse video to shoot a product in an innovative way to highlight the best product experience that viewers may achieve. Do not just sell a product, but instead try to spark emotion about your new product. Mercedes Benz USA used hyperlapse for creating time lapse videos to highlight its stunning look.

#3. Entertaining Videos

Your focus must not always be to promote products. At times, you can focus on ways to entertain your audience. Try to post unique and interesting posts and engage your audience. Have you seen how Mountain Dew is trying to use this feature to entertain their target audience?

#4. Event Highlights

Do not post a five minute long video that will only bore your audience. Showcase interesting events using hyperlapse application. Incorporate the whole event with this video app and let your audience fix their eyes on the video screen. You can perfectly showcase your event and promote your product with Hyperlapse.
Any big event offers multiple content opportunities and this type of video can supplement the still images and traditional videos used to capture all the behind-the-scene activities.

#5. Touchy videos

Project yourself as a human being first and then a businessman. Use time lapse videos of your staff and the entire workplace. It is a wonderful way to highlight your group assignment or team activities.

#6. Product Launch Teaser

Product launch is a smart way to attract the attention of your audience. While offering an appropriate teaser for the new product, you can use these time lapse videos and generate interest among the users.

#7. Engaging videos

If you are a good story teller, use it for promoting your product. Display your products as they are widely used by people in the real world. Tell an engaging story to draw empathy from your audience. If you are selling a car, make a video of a proficient motorcar driver who has experienced a ride round the world in his or her new car.

#8. Eye-Catching Contests

Leverage this hyper lapse application and engage your social media friends. Start a contest and ask your followers to develop their own timelapse videos that feature all the products you have launched recently.
If you always wanted to incorporate video marketing in your business strategy, but could not afford to invest both time as well as technology, then it’s high time to reconsider the prospect. Make use of realistic and exclusive content that is easy to produce with the help of hyperlapse application.


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