t's only human to be behind in something you were meant to be studying, and it's fairly normal for students to be way behind in some things with just a decent amount of time left. However, sometimes, in exceptional cases, you may find yourself ridiculously behind and not have an absolute clue of it, with only hours before the test.
Whether this came due to illness, a complete misinterpretation of what was going to be on it or even pure procrastination, it's not important now; it's important to note that this is definitely NOT guaranteed to work, but if you read on, you can get tips on how to pass anyway!
that you are going to take the test no matter what. Never even dream of
missing a test completely just because you don't know anything - even
5% is worth something and it's an experience in doing an exam. Who
knows, you might even get a pass!-
2Know what you need to learn. If you're not sure, ask! Don't be afraid that people will be horrified at how little you know, they might understand, as most people have been through this situation. Ask a teacher or preferably other students for notes, even if it is very late, for important exams; it is perfectly normal for people to still be going over, checking and in some cases relearning the material, even on the day of the exam, so chances are they won't figure out how little you actually know.
3Have a piece of paper to write down the essentials on. Learn formulas and get an idea of how to apply them. It always looks impressive if you have the formulas spot on and make some confused steps towards the outcome. It's subjective what a good step and a poor/clueless step is in mathematics, and that definitely may earn you a pass, if you know how to do your thing.
4Get a good night sleep before the exam. It may be tempting to stay up all night and revise but if you're tired, your brain won't function properly. If you get a good night of sleep, your brain will be alert and you will probably find you know far more than you realized. Eat a good meal before you go out too!
5Prioritize. Spend 70-90% of the time trying to come to grips with the methods and reading over the formulas. Obviously, you might want to forget about understanding it at this stage - understanding was what the other students did during the year, what you're hoping for is that you can somehow get away without doing any of that. However, understanding why something works has it's advantages as, while memory can let you down, true understanding of something won't. This really depends on your ability to understand or memorize things - pick what suits you the best.
6Have constant focus. Spend right up until the very last second continually visualizing and repeating the stuff you feel is most important to know in your head. As much of it as you can. Just visualize and try to be able to understand/memorize it. Think about the problems you might encounter as well, to feel prepared.
7Start right away. Go straight into the exam hall and if it looks like you might be able to, start writing on the exam script before the exam paper is received and the exam starts. You probably won't have very long, but you if you can just get those images, and especially the nasty equations, you have in your head down it'll save you so much time and mental energy later, when all you have to do, is go back to the first page and copy them. That's what you want - loads and loads of stuff in your temporary memory.
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