1Start early: The first instant you get a whiff of the test, spring into action. It makes your preparation easier and more effective. Don't keep putting it off. It's very easy to say, "Oh, well one week is enough, I'll start next week," or, "I'll do it the day after tomorrow!" The more you put off studying, the less prepared you'll be.
2Make a list of things to study. Ask your teacher if there are any alternative textbooks you can use or any good websites on the topic. Don't think that it's nerdy -- you'll be showing your teacher you care and you'll be making things a little easier for yourself in the long run.
3Motivate yourself. Make up a reward for yourself if you get a good mark on the test. It can be anything from candy to going to the video arcade. You could organize for your parents to treat you too -- like letting you have a big sleepover if you're usually not allowed to, or buying you that new top you really like but can't afford.
4Take good notes. Study the techniques for note-taking if you have problems with this. You can borrow notes, but self-made notes will be easier to learn; you will also memorize a bit of the information while writing them.
5Quiz yourself. Solve model test papers to discover your weak areas; this is a very important step. You might think you have prepared for everything, but solving a model test paper gives you an indication of how well you will do on the actual exam. Take the model test paper over and over again until you get 100% every time.
6Over-learn: Study the study material over and over again, from as many different textbooks and contexts as you can. Each successive revision helps clarify and adds something to your understanding of the material. It also cements the information in your brain, thereby helping you to remember it longer and locate it quickly on the day of the exam. It's a lot of work and may sound pretty silly to do, but it will really help.
7Control nerves. Nerves can really put you off in exams and tests as they make it hard to concentrate, causing silly mistakes or forgetting stuff that you really do know. It's okay to be a little nervous, but if you're tearing out your hair and biting your nails into stumps, there is a problem. Here are some techniques for controlling nerves:
- Distract yourself when you aren't studying. If you've finished all the work or are taking a break, don't think about the test at all. Distract yourself-- think about something totally unrelated.
- Make sure you're completely prepared. If you're unprepared, chances are you're going to feel more nervous.
- Talk to a friend. Sometimes talking about the test with a friend can make you feel a lot better.
8Relax. Remember that this is just a test, and chances are if you've studied, you'll do fine. Just calm your nerves, do a quick cram session, and take a deep breath.
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