Friday, 9 January 2015


When you take a test,
you are demonstrating your ability
to understand course material or perform certain tasks.
Successful test taking avoids carelessness.
Examples of objective tests are true-false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank.
Examples of subjective texts are short answer, essay, or oral exams
NB: If you have any doubts about the fairness of tests, or of the ability of tests to measure your performance, please see your academic counseling service.
These suggestions and links at left may help you succeed in having your abilities properly evaluated and efforts rewarded!
  1. Analyze how you did on a similar test in the past.
    Review your previous tests and sample tests provided by your teacher.
    Each test you take prepares you for the next one!
  2. Arrive early for tests.
    List what you need beforehand to avoid panic.
    Good preparation prepares you for the task at hand.
  3. Be comfortable but alert.
    Choose a comfortable location with space enough that you need
    Don't slouch; maintain good posture.
  4. Stay relaxed and confident.
    Keep a good attitude and remind yourself that you are going to do your best.
    If you find yourself panicking, take a few deep breaths
    Don't talk to other students right before: stress can be contagious.
  5. Read directions carefully!
    and avoid careless errors.
  6. If there is time, quickly look through the test for an overview.
    Scan for keywords. If permitted, jot any notes that come to mind.
  7. Answer questions in a strategic order:
    Easy questions first to build confidence.
    Then those with the most point value.
    On objective tests, eliminate obvious incorrect answers.
    On essay tests, broadly outline your answer and sequence of points.
  8. Review! if you have time.
    Resist the urge to leave when you complete the exam--
    check if you have answered all the questions,
    and not made any errors or mis-marked any answers.
  9. Change answers to questions if you erred, or misread the question!
    You may also find information in the test that will correct a previous answer.
  10. Decide on and adopt study strategies that work best for you.
    Review where you succeed and where you are challenged.
    Check out your academic support center or a trusted teacher for advice.


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