Monday 29 September 2014


A leader is someone with followers. Look around. Is anyone following you? If not, you are not a leader. Refer to article on "How To Build Leadership." On the other hand, if you have followers, your greatest gift to them is competent leadership. Here are the steps to get started on improving your leadership skills.


Improve Your Leadership Skills Step 1 Version 2.jpg
Know where you are going. If you are not clear about the destination, you will wind up some place else and so will those looking to you for direction. Leaders have vision. Make sure your vision is clear and written down.

  1. Improve Your Leadership Skills Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    Know why you are going there. There is no point in doing something extremely well, if it doesn't need to be done at all. Who benefits? What are the consequences of NOT realizing the vision?
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    Understand how progress towards the vision is measured. What will it look like when the vision is a reality?
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    Know your resources. Use them. Ordinary leaders have accomplished extraordinary things with very little.Work with what you have, where you are, with the time available. Everyone has 24 hrs. a day. Use them in pursuit of the goals that get you where you want to go.
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    Be yourself. Nobody can be who you are with your unique history, perspective, and combination of strengths and weaknesses. Be yourself, but be your "best" self. Second rate character leads to second rate results.


  1. The following tips should be strictly followed has it plays a prominent roles when attending an interview

  2. Realizing the reason for holding the post plays a prominent roles in improving your leadership skills.
