Thursday 25 September 2014


When you're at work, especially when beginning a new job, you should want to make a good impression on your colleagues, clients, and your boss.

This doesn't have to be a difficult task, either. With some simple steps, you should be able to make a great impression at work, whether it's your first day or if you've been working there for years.


Make a Good Impression at Work Step 1.jpg
Arrive at work on time or even slightly earlier. By arriving to work on time or even early, you will show your colleagues, as well as your boss that you are prepared to begin the day.

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    Ensure that you are dressed properly for your job. If you are working at a job that requires formal attire, do not show up to work wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.
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    Keep your desk or workspace clean and organized at all times. By having a neatly organized workspace, you will be able to find your supplies and such more easily, have more room to work, as well as having a clean space in which to work.
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    Respect the personal space of other employees. If you notice that a colleague has something that you need in their workspace, do not simply go over and take it, but rather ask them for permission to get the item or even if they would be able to get it for you if you do not feel comfortable going into their space.
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    Offer help to your coworkers if they need it. Let's say that you finish a task early, but notice that someone else is struggling with what they have to do. Offering them some assistance will not only help your coworker finish their task more quickly, but will also show them that you care.
  5. Make a Good Impression at Work Step 6.jpg
    Compliment other workers on things, such as their accomplishments, dress, as well as other things. By complimenting your colleagues, you can make them feel good about the hard work they put into something, as well as let them know that you are paying attention to them and not just work related tasks.


  1. Be punctual and regular to work. Exhibit an "own it culture" lifestyle i.e, doing the assigned task as if it is yours

  2. Simple and short working Ethics...........

  3. These are good tips to follow because it will help the workers by alalade abiodun

  4. if you hate office politics then you have got to be impressive on your job
