Thursday, 25 September 2014



Make a Good First Impression over the Phone Step 1.jpg
Determine your relationship. The first step depends on whether you have met the person you will be speaking with in person before or not. If you have not, act mature and be friendly. Stick to the point of the phone call in case the person may have plans.

  1. Make a Good First Impression over the Phone Step 2.jpg
    Speak clearly; not too loud or not too quiet. Use proper grammar and language. Use slang only when communicating with peers or those you know would accept it in the right way.
  2. Make a Good First Impression over the Phone Step 3.jpg
    Do remember to keep conversations on the phone brief. Not everyone wants to chat for hours at a time.
  3. Make a Good First Impression over the Phone Step 4.jpg
    Call at a reasonable time for politeness' sake. Usually do not call before 9 a.m. and after 10 p.m. Don't call around meal times.
  4. Make a Good First Impression over the Phone Step 5.jpg
    Say hello and introduce yourself appropriately with your first and last name, and/or position at work, or other important details for the person to mentally recognize you if you are the one calling the other person.
  5. Make a Good First Impression over the Phone Step 6.jpg
    End respectfully with "good-bye".


  1. talk is cheap, but try as much to do it well

  2. Speak clearly and do not interrupt during the conversation

  3. Maturity is very important in handling calls, and the caller loves being welcome well on phone because the introduction will determine whether the purpose of the phone call will be achieved or not. So take note.
