Thursday 25 September 2014

culled from


Make a Fabulous First Impression on the First Day of School Step 1.jpg
Dress well. Wear something you're comfortable in, but don't make it too sloppy. Make sure your clothes are clean, appropriate, nice-smelling, and wrinkle free. Double check your look in the mirror before school, to avoid any mishaps. As far as what style to wear - it's your choice! If you love Hollister hoodies, wear that! And if you love skirts and scarves - wear that!

  1. Make a Fabulous First Impression on the First Day of School Step 2.jpg
    Be kind! No one likes a jerk! You can't make friends that way. Give a heartfelt compliment or two.
  2. Make a Fabulous First Impression on the First Day of School Step 3.jpg
    Listen to Teachers! You don't wanna look like a slacker either. You're not only trying to make an impression on your classmates, but on your teachers, too! Volunteer to help out in class if you get the opportunity to.
  3. Make a Fabulous First Impression on the First Day of School Step 4.jpg
    Make an effort to be on time! Try to be on time to class but don't freak out if you can't find your classroom, especially if it's a big, new school. You won't be the only one.
  4. Make a Fabulous First Impression on the First Day of School Step 5.jpg
    Give it your all! Try your hardest! It pays off in the long run.
  5. Make a Fabulous First Impression on the First Day of School Step 6.jpg
    Be confident! Love yourself and others will love you.
  6. Make a Fabulous First Impression on the First Day of School Step 7.jpg
    Include everyone. This also goes with being kind. If someone wants to sit with you at lunch, let them. Include them in the conversation!
  7. Make a Fabulous First Impression on the First Day of School Step 8.jpg
    SMILE! Nobody wants to hang out with someone who's angry all the time! Have a good attitude and TRY not to be negative.


  1. i love this article...


  2. The way you are dressed, determines the way you will be addressed. At first day of school,try to be polite to everyone that comes your way.
