Thursday 25 September 2014



Make a Lasting Impression on a First Date Step 1.jpg
Look clean-cut and comfortable. You have to look and smell nice in order to cause a good impression. No one would like going on a date with someone who looks and smells like they haven't taken a shower for weeks or is totally in rags. Yet, you have to look your best but maintain your personal style.
  • Take a shower, wash your hair well and make sure you brush your teeth well. Also, eat a mint or two to make sure your breath is nice.
  • Choose an outfit that suits the occasion, the place you're taking your date and also your personal style and personality. Nothing's worse than trying to look like someone you're not - so be yourself and feel comfortable in your skin, and you will feel much better.
  • Use a good deodorant and perfume. It's very important. If you don't like perfume, try a little cologne to make you feel and smell fresh.
  1. Make a Lasting Impression on a First Date Step 2.jpg
    Keep your cool. Don't try too hard to impress, because it will probably show and you'll make a fool of yourself. Also, don't be so nervous. Just take a deep breath, think before you speak and just try to be yourself. Simply try to project a calm demeanor, because even if you are nervous inside, the calm attitude will make you look cooler and you'll end up feeling more confident as the date goes on.
  2. Make a Lasting Impression on a First Date Step 3.jpg
    Don't slouch. Keep an OK posture and don't slouch as you sit, it will make you appear insecure and it will just give you a back ache later.
  3. Make a Lasting Impression on a First Date Step 4.jpg
    Be polite and smile. Say good evening and good night to your date and to the waiters of the places you go, say thank you to people and be polite. It will just show you are a good person and will make a great impression. Also, smile! :)
  4. Make a Lasting Impression on a First Date Step 5.jpg
    Show interest. Ask about them - what they like to do, their family, what movies, books and anything else they are into... and if you never heard about it, just tell them and ask them to tell you about it - believe me, anyone loves it when someone shows genuine interest in what they like talking about.
  5. Make a Lasting Impression on a First Date Step 6.jpg
    Answer politely. When they ask about you, think before you speak and answer with politeness and as calm as possible.
  6. Make a Lasting Impression on a First Date Step 7.jpg
    About paying the bill. Even if your date says they are going to pay it, offer to pay at least a drink or two. It's a very polite attitude.
  7. Make a Lasting Impression on a First Date Step 8.jpg
    Say thank you. After the date, show you genuinely appreciated their company. Say something like "thank you for accepting to come on this date with me. I am really happy that you came". It will make your date feel special and flattered, and they sure will love to go on more dates with you.


  1. Don't try to be too funny and be courteous

  2. This is very good because first impression always last longer by alalade abiodun

  3. be yourself, first impression matters alot... dont form...


  4. the part that caught my fancy is No 7. always say thank you, even when she hasn't done anything big. it makes them feel overrated
