Tuesday 23 September 2014

culled from:compelcom.com

1. Do not stand in front of the projector so the image is projected on your forehead! Stand to the side.

2. Tame stage fright with these proven techniques.

3. Plan what you'll say, but don't memorize.

4. Determine to include three take-away messages and focus your presentation around them.

5. Develop a keepable handout that contains your take-away messages.

6. Develop AV that supports your message whether it's a PowerPoint program or props.

7. Avoid transitions and animations in PowerPoint. Too much is very distracting.

8. Rehearse, tape, review, improve.

9. While speaking, don't move around the stage without a reason.

10. Make frequent eye contact with your audience.

11. Actively seek speaking engagements where you can talk about your company or your industry.

12. Don't wear your nametag while you speak.

12.5 Use humor.


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