Wednesday 24 September 2014



Entertain While Public Speaking Step 1.jpg
If you're new to public speaking, sign up! Sign up to school competitions, or local competitions. This is something that I cannot stress enough. The more speaking experience you have, the better. Line up a row of stuffed toys and give them a speech.

  1. Entertain While Public Speaking Step 2.jpg
    Have an interesting Topic Choice.
    • When you pick a topic, keep it entertaining.
    • Pick a topic you enjoy or are interested in! This will make it easier for you to talk about it.
    • There is no evidence to say that a heavy handed topic such as the mating habits of jellyfish is not entertaining. With personal anecdotes and interesting analogies it will work well.
  2. Entertain While Public Speaking Step 3.jpg
    Know your topic REALLY WELL. This way, you are able to improvise a bit on the spot, and keep it light, rather than worrying about whether you'll forget the important facts.
  3. Entertain While Public Speaking Step 4.jpg
    ACT LIKE YOU'RE JUST TALKING TO YOUR FRIENDS. Make it into a casual conversation, without formalities and stress. This is an important point. Yes, you might be giving a speech loaded with information. So, when you use your own humour in it, the audience will appreciate your speech more! Keep it light! Make a joke.
  4. Entertain While Public Speaking Step 5.jpg
    Insert your own personal touch into your speech. Share an anecdote, or make a funny analogy. Tell a story.
  5. Entertain While Public Speaking Step 6.jpg
    Have confidence! Practise, practise practise. Get used to your speech before the final presentation. If you don't have confidence in yourself, no one else will.


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