Wednesday 24 September 2014



Give a Seminar Step 1.jpg
Consider your audience. Before you do anything, think about what kind of people you'll be presenting to. If you're giving an important business seminar, you may want to go as far as doing a full evaluation of demographics. Knowing your audience will guide you in your preparation.

  1. Give a Seminar Step 2.jpg
    Make an outline of speaking points. When it comes to making any kind of speech or giving a presentation, it's best to have an outline to work from to make sure you highlight all your key points. Reading from a script often sounds too formal and doesn't allow for much eye contact.
    • Start with your introduction. This should inform your audience of the topic on which you're speaking and its value to them, plus give a very brief overview of the points you plan to discuss.
    • Move on to the body of your seminar and make a list of points you want to touch on. You need at least two points to get your message across; three is better. Under each heading in your list, write out a couple of details to help guide you when it's time to present.
    • Finish with your conclusion. This should be brief but tie in each point you made during the seminar. It should leave your audience on a positive note and give them some kind of action to take, if applicable.
  2. Give a Seminar Step 3.jpg
    Create your visual aids. These can be posters that you set on an easel, brochures you pass out, an interactive model, an overhead slide or slideshow presentation, pictures or anything that will help your audience visualize what you're saying. The goal is to get your message across clearly. The aids also help break up your seminar into chunks so you avoid monotony.
  3. Give a Seminar Step 4.jpg
    Practice giving your seminar using your outline. You want to appear relaxed yet professional; you should feel comfortable with what you're saying. Get feedback from others and make revisions as needed. Also practice your gestures and mannerisms. A mirror can help with this so you see if you're being too dramatic or too stiff.
  4. Give a Seminar Step 5.jpg
    Arrive to the seminar location early so you can get set up. Pass out any materials you want to use and set up your visual aids. This includes preparing the technology you will use in your seminar, like a computer or overhead projector. Greet your guests as they come in.
  5. Give a Seminar Step 6.jpg
    Present your seminar, using your outline. Speak up and speak clearly. Speak slower than you normally would in a conversation so people can retain the information. Periodically ask if anyone has any questions and clarify things as you go. Thank your audience for their attention when you're wrapping it up.
  6. Give a Seminar Step 7.jpg
    Stay for awhile after your seminar to see if anyone has any questions, feedback or comments for you. If you're giving a business seminar, people may want to follow up so they can make a purchase from your company. Address everyone who stays to talk to you.


  1. This is very good because because it will help us doing our seminar presentation by alalade abiodun

  2. In presenting a seminar your audience should be considered firstly then all other tips should follow.

  3. Consider the audience and carry them along
