Wednesday 24 September 2014



Master the Segue in Public Speaking Step 1.jpg
Use a joke. Sure, it might be the oldest trick in the book, but it still works. A carefully selected bit of humor can easily transition your audience from one topic to the next – even if those topics seem completely unrelated.

  1. Master the Segue in Public Speaking Step 2.jpg
    Change your tone. This segue style is effective if the tone or mood of the two topics are dramatically different. For example, if you were presenting a problem (or bad news), and now you’ll present the solution (or the good news). It might sound something like this: "OK, we’ve covered the dismal reality of last year’s final numbers but enough doom and gloom – let’s now look at the bright future that we are in the process of creating."
  2. Master the Segue in Public Speaking Step 3.jpg
    Stop and start. Perhaps the easiest way to transition is to simply let the audience know that this section is complete, and ask if there are any questions before we move into the next topic. "That concludes the technical part of today’s demonstration. Are there any questions before we begin talking about sales strategies?"


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