Wednesday 24 September 2014

culled from


Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 1.jpg
Take deep breaths. This is a helpful starting tool. It always helps you start. (Don't take a deep breath in the middle though, it makes you sound weird.)

  1. (Don't take a deep breath in the middle though, it makes you sound weird.)
  2. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 2.jpg
    Smile. This will make you feel comfortable in your surroundings, easing your mind. Tell yourself there is nothing to worry about.
  3. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 3.jpg
    Have a good sense of humor. If you mess up, make a joke and then carry on. It makes you seem like you are under control.
  4. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 4.jpg
    Loosen your muscles. This may seem dumb, but being stiff on stage will make everyone think you are nervous.
  5. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 5.jpg
    Practice. This isn't for everyone, but it helps most people. If your speech is well rehearsed it will be fine.
  6. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 6.jpg
    Feel free to move around. (For the most part, this is more for a classroom, than a business setting) When you move, it makes you seem like you are happy, but don't be robotic with the movements.
  7. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 7.jpg
    Keep good eye contact. This might not be a problem for some people, but it will help the audience like you. If you have trouble with this, pretend someone did worse, or think of something funny. Or if you are not comfortable with directly looking at your audience, look above their heads rather than looking them in the eye. It will look like you're making eye contact, but you will not become nervous seeing their response to your speech. Also, try looking at the audience members one by one. It will be easier then looking at the whole audience at once.
  8. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 8.jpg
    Try to include the audience. Many times people think you can't include the audience, but you can. This makes you seem like you're not the only one talking, because you aren't.
  9. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 9.jpg
    Keep an open mind. This relaxes you and, overall, just makes you feel better. This is a very crucial step.
  10. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 10.jpg
    Make a couple of jokes. This will help you with your confidence if your audience laughs with you. If they don't like your jokes it's not the end of the world-there will always be tomorrow.
  11. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 11.jpg
    Make hand-motions and use different voice tones. You can be fast at times and slow at times.
  12. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 12.jpg
    Pause about 2 seconds sometimes between sentences. That will get the audience's attention.
  13. Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous Step 13.jpg
    Make an impressive beginning. It will make the audience immediately interested.

1 comment:

  1. you should keep your mind, body and your brain together
