Wednesday 24 September 2014



Speak In Campaigning Session for Student Council Election Step 1.jpg
Be prepared. You always want to write out your speech before speaking, its very professional and will help calm the nerves because you won't have to fumble for words and look unprepared.

  1. Speak In Campaigning Session for Student Council Election Step 2.jpg
    Do not lie when thinking of things to speak about. It always happens in every movie or television program, were the candidate promises free lunches and long recess even though they have not the power to do so. Lying may get you into student council, but you won't be in it for long and don't count on being re-elected. Before writing your speech, ask the head of council, what your powers with entail, if elected.
  2. Speak In Campaigning Session for Student Council Election Step 3.jpg
    Speak about things that you have the power to enforce. Speak with confidence and punctuate how hard you will work to enforce your guarantees.
  3. Speak In Campaigning Session for Student Council Election Step 4.jpg
    Try to think of new activities for the school to get people to vote for you.


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