Monday 22 September 2014

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Step 1
Sip water. "When you're dehydrated, your body cuts down on mucus production," says C. Richard Stasney, M.D., an otolaryngologist and the director of the Texas Voice Center. Your vocal folds vibrate about 100 times a second when you speak—and mucus protects them from friction, which can cause swelling, irritation, and injury. 
Step 2
Clear phlegm the right way. Noisy throat clearing bangs your vocal folds together, which can hurt them, Dr. Stasney says. Instead, take a deep breath and exhale through your mouth quickly and forcefully, without making a sound. This will dislodge mucus from your throat so you can spit it out or swallow it, Dr. Stasney says.
Step 3
Don't try to go all Barry White. Men drop their voices to sound authoritative, says Linda B. Shields, M.S., a speech pathologist based in Raleigh, North Carolina. That can damage your pipes. Determine your natural pitch by saying "mmm-hmm." The top of that hum is your optimum pitch. 
Step 4
Speak clearly—to a doctor. If vocal changes or pain last for 2 to 3 weeks, see an ear, nose, and throat doctor. "Talking should be effortless, like a golf swing," says Mark Courey, M.D., director of the voice and swallowing center at the University of California at San Francisco.


  1. Speak clearly to your audience both in term of loud and clear.

  2. Olashore Olayemi Mary

    Clear and succinct! This is an eye-opener to a healthy living. Thumbs up!!!

  3. Know Your Message Before You Speak
    Understanding the message before you speak helps you to get rid of initial jitters. It also helps you plan your words and anticipate others’ reactions. If you are not sure about your message, you will not be able to state it with confidence. Avoid rushing into it without solidifying your stance.BY:IBRAHIM AFEEZ OLAYEMI

  4. Relax Your Shoulders
    Tension in the neck and shoulders restrict the flow of air and constrict the vocal space. The vocal cords must vibrate together, but if the space is much constricted, it is like the dampening effect on the piano. In order to loosen the shoulders and neck, shrug the shoulders up and down and rotate the head in both directions.BY:AYORINDE AFEEZ FEMI

  5. This is actually an eye-opener on the status of your sense organ, it is a good idea to always go for a check up if you are a public or professional speaker, it really helps you to always get ready for good delivery of speech to your audience at anytime without disappointing... a nice one indeed ... AKPADA HAPPY AGNES

  6. Don't memorize what you want to say out to the audience,know it and master it very well before you deliever the speech to them and loud your voice

  7. Ajayi Esther Ayotunde, I am used to clearing my throat by coughing but now I know better so I will inhale and exhale to speak clearly and louder.

  8. Sokunbi Peter
    A good speaker must be audible
