Wednesday 24 September 2014


Method 1 of 2: Preparing to Speak

  1. Respond to Rejection Step 1.jpg
    Learn to control your breathing. A shaking voice is usually brought on by irregular breathing. Take deep breaths when you hear your voice shaking, and consciously slow your breathing down to a normal rhythm.[1]
    • Don't wait until the end of a sentence to take a breath. Without air, there is no voice, so breathe when you need to.
    • Learn to breathe deeply, with the support of your diaphragm. Only when you breathe in this manner will you be able to take control of your nervousness and let it work for you. Shallow or lazy breathing, which is typical of the majority of the population, actually increases stress

    1. Do Qualitative Research Step 2.jpg
      Know your material. Whether you're giving a speech or just need to convey an important message to someone, make sure you have all your information prepared in advance.
      • Being comfortable with the message makes it a lot easier to deliver. Preparation can help you feel confident enough to stop a shaking voice from creeping up on you.[1]
      • Practice out loud and record yourself, preferably by means of video, and then study the playback. A camcorder is one of your best tools for honing your presentation skills.[2]
    2. Consistently Run if You're Overweight Step 6.jpg
      Get rid of any excess energy. Go for a run or walk briskly around the building before you have to give a speech, perform or have a tough conversation. Getting some of your nervous energy out beforehand is a great way to stop the shakes when you are nervous.[1]

    Method 2 of 2: Things to Remember While Speaking

  2. Speak Confidently in Public Step 2.jpg
    Be confident. Even if you feel nervous, try to convey confidence when speaking. Fake it til you make it, as the saying goes!
    • Rather than concentrating on not messing up, aim to project confidence and authority in your voice tone. This makes you seem more knowledgeable and lends more weight to the points you are making. [3]
    • Remind yourself of your good communication skills. You are more than capable of getting your point across on a daily basis without a shaking voice, so stop your nerves by keeping this in mind before any speech or tense situation.[1]
  3. Stop Your Voice from Shaking Step 5.jpg
    Raise your voice. Voice volume is a major factor in confident communication. Remember that confident communication should be easy to hear, whereas quiet speech can convey nervousness.[3]
  4. Speak Confidently in Public Step 10.jpg
    Make eye contact. Maintaining eye contact gives the impression of confidence and helps you to develop a connection with the person/people you are addressing.
    • If you are giving a speech, make eye contact with your entire audience just as if you were having a one-on-one conversation with them.
    • Alternatively, you can focus on someone comforting in the audience, such as a a supportive family member or partner, and direct the speech to them.
  5. Breathe Correctly to Protect Your Singing Voice Step 3.jpg
    Stand up straight. Slumped shoulders and slouched posture can convey nervousness when you are speaking.[3] Standing up straight will help you to look confident and also to breathe more deeply.
  6. Improve Your Speaking Voice Step 1.jpg
    Slow down and remember to breathe! You can easily eliminate a shaking or cracking voice by slowing your speech and gaining control of your breathing rate.


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