1. During your presentation, make it clear that you know which results the evaluation committee or the board members expect to obtain if they support your proposal.
You should highlight your expected financial and operational results in terms of the metrics that matter most to your audience. For instance, a business angel may be interested in your start-up venture’s expected valuation after five years whereas a corporate investment committee may emphasize whether your new project will exceed the corporate investment hurdle rate (for example, more than 15% annual return on capital employed.)2. Explain how you intend to use the resources you’re asking for.
If you’re asking for cash, provide some details on how you will spend it on recruitment, marketing, operations, etc. If you’re asking for human resources (such as engineers to work on your project) from a corporate investment committee, outline the work schedule and identify project milestones where you’ll evaluate the results. Remember that resource providers are evaluating your specific action plan, not a general business idea.3. Think “lean” and only ask for resources to cover the next phase of your action plan, not more.
It’s tempting to tell investors or board members that you have a big vision for the future, and that you will create a new multi-million dollar business. However, they will not be keen on funding all of your future resource requirements right after the first presentation. You need to ask yourself “What is the minimum amount of resources that my project needs at this moment in order to reach the next level?” This is a good example of lean thinking, and it’s becoming increasingly popular when launching start-ups and corporate ventures (see the Lean Startup website and book for more ideas).4. Soon after your presentation, contact audience members individually, thank them for their time, and ask about areas for improvement.
Building a new business is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. You will need to present your proposal many times before you can obtain support. In this long process, the best sources of feedback are members of your audience who can give you tips for future presentations. Approach them with a positive attitude that shows your willingness to accept criticism and take some of their suggestions on board. Besides discussing the contents of your presentation, ask about how to develop your presentation style as well.5. Don’t expect a quick “Yes” or “No.”
An investor may sound enthusiastic about supporting your project, but it will take a long time to obtain an agreement in writing, such as a term sheet. This is because investors prefer to see how well you are selling your ideas and products to others before they commit themselves to fund your project. Prepare yourself for a series of “Maybe” type responses from investors or board members at least for a few months. If you do not give up your proposal by then, they are likely to form a positive impression about your persistence as an entrepreneur.source:forbes.com
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