Tuesday 23 September 2014

  1. Plan and practice your movement for during your talk
  2. Don’t begin until you’re ready
  3. Practice concepts, not words
  4. Exercise before your talk
  5. Do deep breathing exercises
  6. Warm up your voice
  7. Drop your hands when you aren’t gesturing
  8. Acknowledge your anxiety and address any unrealistic fears
  9. Have a gimmick in each part of your talk
  10. Mingle before your talk to increase your comfort level
  11. If maintaining eye contact makes you nervous, look at the audiences ears instead.
culled from:http://blogs.nd.edu


  1. you have to have confidence in you and abide folowing tip

  2. A public speaker, be it in the classroom situation or elsewhere should first of all have ample practice before actual presentation.

  3. Have courage to stand infront of the class and think before you talk. (AKANDE AJOKE ABIMBOLA)

  4. Plan your movement in front of a mirrow before the deal day

  5. plan how to speak in public and classroom.
