Where to Put Your Hands and Arms!
What do you do with your arms and hands
when standing in front of a group of people? Cross them in front of
your chest, clasp your hands together, or thrust them into your pockets
so they are neatly tucked away?
It's funny how we can suddenly be painfully aware
of being exposed standing in front of an audience. Our primal instincts
jump into action and we unconsciously use our arms to protect ourselves.
A natural reaction, yet totally unnecessary and more importantly, it
sends the wrong message to our audience.
Gestures - hand and arm movements
- are an important part of our visual picture when we speak in public.
They are reinforcements of the words and ideas we are trying to convey
and a non-verbal representation of how we feel.
If we use gestures correctly, they will help us enhance our message and we will appear confident and relaxed. Used unconsciously or incorrectly however, speaker can distract their audience or send the wrong non-verbal message.
Distractive Gestures
Be aware that nervousness or feelings of inadequacy can show immediately in your gestures. These can be very distractive and misinterpreted.For example:
Hands on hips = condescending, parental, overbearing
Crossed arms = cutting off, disagreeing, wanting to protect
Hands crossed in front (fig leaf) = feeling weak, timid, needing protection.
Hands joined behind your back = you’re on parade!
Hands in pockets
= nervousness. This can result in jingling any change or keys, making
it even more obvious you don’t know what to do with your hands!
Most of the time however, speakers are using these gestures unconsciously. So be aware of what you are doing with your arms and hands as it is sending a subconscious message to your audience.
Using Gestures To Enhance Your Speech
Get used to standing with your arms relaxed and by your sides. You will automatically bring them up when you make gestures or comments. Just remember to rest them down from time to time and you will look relaxed and develop a strong, positive posture.On the other hand, there are three types of gestures you can use with confidence to convey your message and enhance your stories.
They are:
Symbolic Gestures communicate words, numbers, position.
For example:
A raised hand signals for a stop
A thumbs-up showing you agree
Three fingers for the number three
Pointing to show a position – up, down, behind, beside.
A raised hand signals for a stop
- Descriptive Gestures communicate an idea or movement.
For example:
Spreading hands apart to show length
Using hands to show a shape.
Swaying hands to show a flow of movement.
Spreading hands apart to show length
- Emotional Gestures suggest feelings.
For example:
A clenched fist to show anger. It is hostile and threatening. It could also convey the sense you are hiding something.
Hands clasped to show pleading.
Using a pointed finger. This makes you look accusatory, even if that wasn't your intent.
A clenched fist to show anger. It is hostile and threatening. It could also convey the sense you are hiding something.
The Most Effective Gestures Are Spontaneous.
These gestures are purposeful. They are the outward expression of your inner thoughts and feelings.Use gestures with purpose in public speaking situations and you will engage your audience, and help them comprehend and remember your message.
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