Monday 22 September 2014



Um, so, you know, um, I think…um, yes, this is a professional advice column about how you can distinguish yourself by speaking more clearly without using filler words. Most people, whether they realize it or not, speak using filler words. Something about silence is bothersome to the point that people make it a habit to add words in their sentences including like, you know, um, so, and uh. Do you use those words regularly?
You will be judged by your speech in job interviews, donor/client meetings, public events, and even in conversations at receptions and happy hours. It is very important that you speak clearly and articulate your ideas so people can understand without filler words as a distraction. Here are some tips to cut the extra word habit from your speaking:
1. Assess the situation by listening to yourself. You could record yourself talking with your phone or computer and then play it back. Also you should simply keep in mind the extra words when you are talking to people so you consciously refrain and instead pause between words and sentences.
2. Have a friend monitor your speech. Have the person flick the lights on and off every time you use a filler word so you quickly become aware how often you do it. Continue this practice once a week and monitor how you improve. You can also join a Toastmasters club for more formal practice.
3. Listen to articulate speakers and study their cadence. You will notice that the most effective speakers do not use any filler words and instead they put silence between their most important points. We are programmed to speak quickly with filler words, but the opposite is actually the best method for communicating clearly. Explore some of the talks on TED and watch the delivery closely.
4. Slow down! Most people talk very quickly but it is simply not necessary. The Bible teaches in James 1:19, “you should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” While the Bible is not a book about public speaking (although I doubt Jesus said um, you know, like, so, and uh very often) it is right on this point. You can practice this by taking a deep breath before you say a sentence and deliberately slowing down the pace. There is no rush – people better understand when you speak slowly and clearly.
5. Never finish your sentence with “so.” The word “so” is a transition that helps you finish a phrase, but many people use it to end their sentences. Add this to your practice routine described above so you actively think not to say “so” at the end of a sentence.


  1. these tips surely will empower readers to proud of their ability in speech delivery

  2. Adetoyi Rahman: This is basically a good attribute of a qualified public speaker

  3. This is a good model for anyone to always follow in order to be an executive public speaker, which distinguishes you from others... AKPADA HAPPY AGNES

  4. A speaker must be familiar with the topic to be delivered. By this it will also be easier to cut of filler words.

  5. Komolafe Busayo Lekson
    Nice job

  6. Adeyanju Funmilayo
    Interesting piece

  7. Sokunbi Peter
    Such an interesting post.

  8. Ejalonibu Akinbukola
    Thanks for te information.

  9. Oyerinde Oyetola
    I should try these. hopefully it would help reduce how often I use the filler word....

  10. Ability of developing on ones self and nt been shy of things

  11. Ezeji kelechi
    Filler words re becoming the norms. This will help us cub the constant use Of filler words.

  12. The use of filler words is one common feature in communication amongst average Nigerians; one that has eaten deep the fibre of good public speach! The tips given above are very good in containing the uncontrolled use of filler words.

  13. You must also be bold to speak at public gathering and have confidence in oneself.

  14. Animasawun oluwakemi
    Adejumobi Drusilla
    Speaker should project
    Asamu Aminat

  15. Ajayi Ayotunde Esther, Nice write - up

  16. Lets your explanation be brief and cogent
