Tuesday 23 September 2014

culled from:answers.com

Despite their similarities, public speaking and daily conversation are not identical. As the size of your audience grows, the manner in which you present the story will change. You will find yourself adapting to three major differences between conversation and public speaking. First of all, public speaking is more highly structured. It usually imposes strict time limitations on the speaker. In most cases, the situation does not allow listeners to interrupt with questions or commentary. Therefore, public speaking is very much a one way communication. The speaker must accomplish her or his purpose in the speech itself. In preparing the speech, the speaker must anticipate questions that might arise in the minds of listeners and answer them. Consequently, public speaking demands much more detailed planning and preparation than ordinary conversation. Secondly, public speaking requires more formal language. Slang, jargon, and bad grammar have little place in public speeches. Even though a principal is very angry about the vandalism in school, he does not say, “We should send those idiots who vandalize the school property to hell.” Listeners reacted negatively to slang, jargon, or poor grammar, so speakers must polish their language and choose words for the greatest effect. Lastly, public speaking requires a different method of delivery. When conversing informally, most people talk quietly, interject stock phrases such as “you know,” “it’s like,” and “really,” adopt a casual posture, and use what are called vocalized pauses. Effective public speakers, however, adjust their voices to be heard clearly throughout the audience. They assume a more erect posture. They avoid distracting mannerisms and verbal habits. In conclusion, with study and practice, you will be able to master these differences and expand your conversational skills into speechmaking.
Public speaking is when you speak it out loud to the world.
Private speaking is when you keep it to a group or a person you know.


  1. conversation can be within some people while pubic speaking are withing several people (Mustapha Roafiat)

  2. public speaking occur among some people while public speaking within several people (Mustapha Rofiat)

  3. Despite their similarities, public speaking and daily conversation are not identical. As the size of your audience grows, the manner in which you present the story will change. You will find yourself adapting to three major differences between conversation and public speaking. First of all, public speaking is more highly structured. It usually imposes strict time limitations on the speaker. In most cases, the situation does not allow listeners to interrupt with questions or commentary. Therefore, public speaking is very much a one way communication. The speaker must accomplish her or his purpose in the speech itself. In preparing the speech, the speaker must anticipate questions that might arise in the minds of listeners and answer them. Consequently, public speaking demands much more detailed planning and preparation than ordinary conversation. Secondly, public speaking requires more formal language. Slang, jargon, and bad grammar have little place in public speeches. Even though a principal is very angry about the vandalism in school, he does not say, “We should send those idiots who vandalize the school property to hell.” Listeners reacted negatively to slang, jargon, or poor grammar, so speakers must polish their language and choose words for the greatest effect. Lastly, public speaking requires a different method of delivery. When conversing informally, most people talk quietly, interject stock phrases such as “you know,” “it’s like,” and “really,” adopt a casual posture, and use what are called vocalized pauses. Effective public speakers, however, adjust their voices to be heard clearly throughout the audience. They assume a more erect posture. They avoid distracting mannerisms and verbal habits. In conclusion, with study and practice, you will be able to master these differences and expand your conversational skills into speechmaking.
    Public speaking is when you speak it out loud to the world.
    Private speaking is when you keep it to a group or a person you know.

  4. Ogunjimi Wasiu Omolaja
    it can be deduce thatan individual can learn how to speak publicly through conversation with friends or group of people,though practice make perfect.but theres a clear dinstinction between the two.
    the author style of writing is conversational style.

  5. Though public speaking and conversation are both forms of communication, the latter is highly structured,requires detailed planning with the use of formal language.
    The style is expository

  6. Conversation are not identical but public speaking requires formal languages, slang's, jargon's and require a different method of delivery.

    By: Olugbusi Oluwatosin Temitope

  7. public speaking has to do with planning and reasoning more than conversation because you are addressing the public. the style is explanatory and the language simple. AZEEZ MUSIBAU DAMOLA

    Public speaking and daily conversation are not identical.
    Though public speaking and conversation are both forms of communication,conversation can be within some people while pubic speaking are withing several people.
    The author style of writing is conversational style.


    The size of your audience growth, your presentation will change. Public speaking is when your speak is loud to the world while Private Speaking is when you keep it to a group or a person you know.

  10. Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.... By Ayodele Oluwabamise Ebenezer

  11. Conversational style meant to be a responsive approach in conversation without an apology for mistake but public speaking dictate the best of dissemination in terms of perfect approach and how to carry audience along while speaking.
