Be Bold and dauntless.
If it is your first public speech, please try to hide the nervousness
within and go on. It is natural to make mistakes during a public speech,
never try to cover up the mistake(It portrays a bad impression). Accept
it, pause for a second and continue.-
2Speak clearly and use simple vocabulary that could be easily understood by the listeners. Keep your speech simple and honest. Make sure the listeners understood it in the way you meant.
3Be expressive: bring about a change in volume/tone with respect to the subject being spoken. Use hand gestures to be more expressive and understandable.
4Subject: If you are speaking regarding a specific subject, try not to deviate too much. It generally bores the listeners. Give few suitable examples to make it more interesting.
5Try to make your speech as interesting as possible.
6Be loud enough such that the last row of the audience too is able to hear you clearly.
7Know and understand your listeners. Based on that, adjust yourself and the speech for them.
8Never be patriotic/sarcastic. Be humorous(at times), it keeps them entertained.
9Avoid monotony oration. If possible do not read down the script(If any) as it is. Bring about tonal variations to keep the subject interesting.
10Do not avoid eye contact.
11Be gentle and sociable.
Be bold and dauntless.Speak clearly and use simple vocabulary that could be understood by the listeners