Friday, 17 April 2015

culled The key to the Fountain of Youth might lie, in your refrigerator. In a hard-boiled egg, to be exact. A team of scientists from California and Australia might have unlocked one of life’s biggest secrets when they discovered how to 'unboil' an egg. Yes, you read that right. Unboiling is actually possible. “They figured out how to untangle the proteins that get mixed together...
culled The good news is that You got a gorgeous new wig because of it's long, real hair that makes you look like whole lot like yourself in your imagination. The major problem is that it's constantly tangling. Anyone who has worn a wig or weave will tell you that this struggle is real. Synthetic, natural, expensive, inexpensive, what ever they might be, they all...
culled Even if you're a clean freak, there's no escaping at least a few smudges of makeup on your phone. If you're not, you may be in the camp of people whose phones contain as many germs as a public toilet seat. All of that cloudiness you see is made up of oil, makeup, and other residue that can accumulate and then cause some major issues for your skin. "All of that dirt and...
culled You know one of those days when you wake up and you suddenly feel like your pores are as wide as your nostrils? Yup, they can be a makeup disaster for every chic. So what do you do when you need your make up to sit just right on a smooth surface? Large pores could mean two things: You'll need to cleanse your skin day and night and exfoliate regularly. A scrub or cleansing...
culled LeeAnn Dugan, a beauty editor for shares her experience getting eyebrow extensions. Needless to say, with her shaky foundation at eyebrow care, her eyebrows were not at their best. "For years, I overplucked myself into skinny '90s arches. When a fuller look came into fashion, I continued to overpluck, because that is the only way I knew,...
culled No, that wasn't a misspelled term for describing the spring leaves blooming on trees. Foilyage is a brand-new color method to add to your hair lexicon, especially if natural-looking, sun-kissed highlights à la Miranda Kerr are what you're going for. Blonde Hair colour shades are now, so yesterday. Developed by colorist Hitomi Ikeda of New York City's Louis...
culled A gorgeous skin is everyone's dream (especially ladies), when one is blessed with gorgeous skin, every other beauty routine come on seamless. Most times skin reactions could be as a result of lifestyle habits from consuming lots of fatty/junk foods, not drinking enough water, not getting adequate sleep and more which all end up straining the skin which shows...
culled On average, how much sleep do you get a night? Yup, we thought as much. Fact is the uses of a good nights rest can never be underestimated. Regardless of what Diddy and other celebrities say, you need to get a good night’s rest. It’s important to your success and how you’re able to function each day. Here are the tips to make it happen. Turn of electronic devices It’s...
culled A new study has found that men who used pills and powders to supplement their workouts had an increased risk of developing testicular cancer. From professional bodybuilders to high-school sports teams, millions of men have been taking muscle-building supplements for many years. However, a recent study published in the British Journal of Cancer claims...
culled A revolutionary study has suggested that the glycemic content of foods may be the key to weight loss, so much of the conventional wisdom on dieting may be missing the mark. Low fat alternatives and religious calorie counting have become synonymous with dieting for weight loss, but new research seems to suggest that we may have been getting it wrong. Researchers at Tufts...
culled We wax, pluck, scrub, and spray in attempts to maintain appearance or smell. We put our ladybits through ridiculous routines and insert things in them that definitely do not belong. At the end of the day, your vagina would still give you a knock on the head if it had a chance. What some women may not understand is that the vagina is extremely sensitive to some...
culled Yes, sex is definitely about intimacy, but who doesn't want to have an explosive orgasm while we're at it? Having both parties climax can result in a steamy lovemaking session. Obviously, what goes on between the sheets is a big part of that but we can prep for the big event with specific exercises that are great for a better orgasm. "There is research...
culled Urinary Tract Infections are an unfortunate part of womanhood, in fact, some health experts rank your lifetime risk of getting one as high as 1 in 2, with many women having repeat infections, sometimes for years on end. Hence, the need to give you tips on how to prevent it, but before we go into that, a brief introduction and symptoms. According to webmd, UTIs are a key...
culled A lot of people think that you need to go the gym in order to have a toned body, but this not true as you do not necessarily need machines at the gym to get fit. Your own body weight, gravity, combined with the below can do the job. Circuit Train- Want to burn fat quickly? Rapid-fire circuits turn strength moves into calorie-torching, cardio work. "If your goal is weight...