Monday 2 March 2015

Couple sitting together


Every guy has a dream girl - that one chic that possesses every quality you like and puts a smile on your face whenever you see her.
She draws your attention every time she passes by, her presence becomes a big topic to gossip between your heart and your mind.
So how do you reach out and connect with this girl whose existence is totally consuming you?
One of the biggest fallout being a man is you knowing who to love but not knowing how to express it or how to speak to your dream girl.
These 10 tips should help you scale that high fence:
  1. Lend a helping hand: If you need a good idea to start with, getting an excuse to help her would be one of the best, because it can be implemented without any hesitations and to the strangers as well.
  2. Be well groomed: Your appearance matters a lot. Make yourself presentable. And don't forget, first impression last longer.
  3. Get in touch with her friends: Ever wondered how to talk to your dream girl? Try this trick, it will work. If you want to initiate with some clues about the girl, contact her best friends. Be freindly with them and use them as an excuse to get closer to her.
  4. Be her friend first: If you get introduced to her or have been able to engage her in a conversation, try to get the tag of friendship as the first motive. It would give you some chances to talk to her more.
  5. Find out what she likes: When you know certain things that your girl likes, it would attract her attention to you. And who knows, one of them may put a lasting effect on her mind.
  6. Convince her to trust you: A girl would share her feelings with you only when they trust you. If you are able to build trust for you in her eyes, you have cleared one level.
  7. Be a little flirty: Certain flirtatious gestures are the classical ways to impress a girl. While you are talking to her, put some twists of flirty talks or expression. But don't overdo it.
  8. Smell good: It would be a bonus point for you if you smell like a million bucks next time you meet with her. Invest in nice smelling perfumes. After all, fragrance has its own creativity to do in love stories.
  9. Make eye contact: Eye contact is one of the most difficult tasks at the initial stages but if you manage to do it once, just for a few seconds, it would create some tickle in both of you. It's a bold way to express how you feel about her.
  10. Be yourself: Don't forget to be yourself anytime you are with her. Let her see you for who you are, and like the real you instead of a fictional character you turn yourself into. Bottom line: be you!


  1. The best way to connect with your dream girl is to faithful to her and knows what she enjoys doing.

  2. Charisma and care matters a lot in relationship.

  3. To connect with your dream girl, you need to be yourself, be confident and make her see reasons to love you. ADEGOKE MATTHEW

  4. Ojenike Olusoji Peter: On a personal note, I will only encourage guy to be yourself always... what you wouldn't take when you're wealthy should be your practice now (Yoruba Adage)


  6. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Believing in oneself will also help alot.

    By: Lasisi Afeez. A
