Friday 6 March 2015

By Dana Claudat
culled from:
Without space, where would we exist? Space is THAT important to life.
Not only is space vital, but we see and feel its importance even when we don't know exactly how to articulate it. You know the places you avoid. We all know when something is "off" or "not right" or feels "haunted," even if we don't know why or how to fix it.
We're inextricably tied to space and the energy of that space.
Take a moment to imagine the place where you've felt most at home in your life.
It's an amazing feeling, isn't it?
Do you feel that feeling now at home? If not, you can. You just need to make the connection.
Feng shui is the ancient art and science of creating incredible environments to support incredible lives. The more of a connection you can make to your own personal space, the more that space can help you to change your life.
Here are 20 of the most common ways I've seen lives change when spaces change:
1. You'll have more energy.
When you adjust your home in ways that eliminate basic obstacles and clutter, you create more flow in your life.
2. You'll clear away emotional blocks.
Get rid of just a few bits of emotionally loaded clutter and you'll feel the emotional weight associated with that clutter leave your life as well.
3. You'll amp up your personal style.
It's called "lifestyle" for a reason. Not "life obligation." Not "life rules." Beautification is also self-betterment.
4. You'll feel at home when you're at home.
Rather than simply being a place to live, a home reflects your confidence, security and deeper sense of belonging in life.
5. You'll become more creative.
A home filled with things that you love will inspire you to synergize new ideas, and even explore new ways to communicate.
6. You'll live with more depth.
The feeling of superficial existence — largely digital and fast-paced — melts greatly in the soft textures of a home that is a sanctuary.
7. You'll launch your dreams.
When you're organized and clear of clutter, you have a solid foundation to build a life that's so much more stable.
8. You'll break habits.
Going on vacation is a great way to help you break bad habits, as you remove common triggers to behavior when you go away. A home makeover can be just as effective, year-round.
9. You'll relax more.
Serene spaces — especially ones filled with nature — are intensely relaxing.
10. You'll sleep better.
Simple adjustments to your bedroom can help you sleep much more soundly.
11. You'll expand your social life.
Having a space to entertain instantly opens up your social life directly, but simply having a decluttered home that welcomes in fresh energy also opens up your life to more connection.
12. You'll make more money.
Money is energy. The more you can clear clutter and live in a high-energy space of beauty, the more abundance tends to come naturally.
13. You'll have more healthy boundaries.
Being drained by energy vampire personalities or overly committing yourself can leave you in last place; a clean, clear and organized home helps you put yourself first in an empowering way.
14. You'll think clearly.
Sit in chaos and darkness, and try to make important decisions. Now, go to a beautiful, light, refreshing space. Big difference, right?! A clear space reflects a clear mind.
15. You'll feel more wellness in your life.
Wellness is about connection. Connecting to your body, your emotions, your breath and your determination all fuel your well-being. Making this connection to your space will powerfully support your wellness revolution.
16. You'll make a fresh start.
In some sort of transition? Changing your home can help guide you through a time of big change, supporting you through a fresh start!
17. You'll become more grounded.
Imagination, ideas, vision and dreaming are all vital, but a grounded life helps you to put those ideas into action in a much more concrete way.
18. You'll risk bigger.
It's way easier to take a big risk if you're feeling great and supported by your life rather than when you're feeling stifled and confused.
19. You'll live with more purpose.
If your home is designed specifically to support and encourage your dreams, every step you take though that home you'll be reminded of your purpose!
20. You'll love more!
Ultimately, it's all about love, right? Love for your life, love for everyone in it, attracting love, living in love … all of it! From filling a room with colors that inspire you to decluttering objects from a brokenhearted era of the past, your environment can be a catalyst for so much more self-esteem and love every day.
Are you ready to make a space shift of your own? You can start small and open some windows for a few minutes, burn a candle and clean your house. That is a great feel-good step. You'll see and feel the difference instantly.
Want to really make a space shift of greatness? I've created a video course, Your Guide To DIY Feng Shui: Change Your Space To Change Your Life, to help you overhaul your space and your entire experience in the world. When you have a little guidance, you'll be amazed by how much better you feel!


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