Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Work-Life Balance Healthcare

culled from:careerealism.com

1. Stay Healthy

To do a great job at work, it should go without saying that you need to actually be at work. There’s nothing worse than going into your job feeling under the weather (or sharing your germs with everyone whose path you cross!), but it’s frustrating to use sick days staying at home. A number of businesses are now implementing wellness programs to help you stay healthy, and as MorseLife’s Benefits and Wellness Specialist Matt Sullivan describes, these types of programs are a direct extension of the company’s core beliefs and values. When their staff stays healthy, their patients stay healthy, too, by receiving the highest level of care.
From health benefits and assessments to the support an employer offers, it’s up to you to take advantage of the resources. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, look for tools to proactively manage your health, and set your expectations high for your work-life balance. Better yet, jump at the opportunity to work for people who care as much about your health and safety as you care about your patients’. It will pay off in the long run!
Matt Sullivan
“My success and the success of the Wellness Program are directly impacted by the trust and support of our employees. I find it incredibly rewarding to hear from our employees of how our wellness program has helped them achieve a personal health goal.” - Matt Sullivan, MorseLife, Benefits & Wellness Specialist
Want to learn more about work-life balance at MorseLife? Read here!

2. Stay Happy

It may seem self-explanatory: stay happy. But if it’s really so simple, then why do unhappy workers outnumber happy ones by 2-to-1 worldwide? The numbers are staggering and suggest that a greater number of people need to find a job where they feel fulfilled – at work and at home.
To do this, consider identifying what you’re passionate about and seek a role where you are excited about the work you do. It’s not about making every day perfect, but about finding the place where every day offers you an experience worth waking up for.
When you’re happy, you’re more productive and likely to have a positive impact on those surrounding you. In healthcare, that has pretty large implications! For example, Matt explains that it’s his passion for healthcare that helps him make daily connections with clients and build relationships through every interaction. Because he’s surrounded by people who, like him, are happy about their work, “everyone on the team is passionate about how their work benefits this organization as a whole.”
“We all help one another to accomplish our goals and share in each other’s achievements.” - Matt Sullivan, MorseLife, Benefits & Wellness Specialist
Beyond aligning your goals and values with your work’s purpose, you can find happiness by fostering connections with your team members. When you’re happy at work, not only does your mental and emotional health feel better, but you’ll see your team’s efforts affect patient satisfaction as well. Plus, you’ll have a support system to celebrate with!

3. Stay Engaged

When you’re doing your best work, growing as a professional, and believe strongly in the mission of your company, you are the most engaged in your job. If these things start to feel less tangible, identify ways that you can kickstart your progress. When you’re unengaged, it feels like you’re losing a connection to your work. That’s when it becomes difficult to see the impact you’re making and even harder to get motivated. Worst of all, being unengaged leads to unhappiness (see #2 if you need a refresher!). Communicate with your team or a mentor at work and identify where you can challenge yourself or learn something new.
MorseLife NurseIf you cultivate your passion, it will continue to grow. Not unlike grass – it’s not always greener on the other side; it’s greenest where you water it.  If you connect with a company that inspires you to take the lead on your career growth, they’ll be happy to help you water it, too.
A company that helps you be the best version of yourself will always keep you engaged. Companies like MorseLife do it by encouraging independence and by helping employees develop creative solutions to challenges.
“Each initiative I undertake is a new opportunity to develop and I’m entrusted to guarantee the success of important initiatives on my own. It’s fulfilling to see my efforts help shape the culture and be recognized for my accomplishments.” - Matt Sullivan, MorseLife, Benefits & Wellness Specialist

A job where you can be yourself, healthy, and happy will inevitably give you greater career satisfaction. Sometimes to be great at your job, you have to put yourself first!

Want to find a career that helps you find work-life balance?

Express your inner greatness with a company like MorseLife! With open positions in a variety of fields, they want to connect with professionals who are passionate about their work.


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