Monday, 16 March 2015

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When looking for ways to improve business, so often what’s looked at includes the latest sales statistics, or how to more efficiently manage the operations of the company or cut costs, or stepping up the marketing efforts. There are many other ways to improve business that we could list here depending upon the nature of your business and its current situation. One of the most often overlooked aspects of how you can improve your business on a daily basis is eliminating 3 words from your business vocabulary.
howard illus 2
The 3 words are:
  1. Try
  2. Could
  3. Should
Here’s why you need to eliminate these 3 words from your business vocabulary:
  • To increase sales
  • To promote a more positive work environment; which will, in turn, promote more productivity
  • To increase your business confidence and leadership skills
  • To increase the confidence your prospects, customers, employees, and vendors have in working with you.
Let’s look at each of these words.
  1. Try: In the words of Yoda from the classic movie, Star Wars: Do or do not. There is no try.  Yet a familiar phrase often heard in business is: Well, I tried to… (fill in the blank) but… When you say “try” you set yourself up for failure. What’s the one thing every business person is afraid of? Failure. Business success begins in your mind. Why begin to fail when you’re just getting started all because you or other co-workers say something like: I’ll try to …
Other word options to consider when eliminating “try” from your business vocabulary include:
I will…
I can…
Or even: Let’s do it!
Always state your intention clearly like you mean it and you’ll accomplish more in your day, with others you work with and with your overall business goals. Just by making a small change (which is actually a really big change) like this can make all the difference. So remember, don’t “try”. Do.
  1. Could: The word, “could”, is similar to “try”. A phrase often heard in business is: If I only could have…  Every time you or other business associates say this it’s like living in the past. It’s not living in the now; in the present moment or circumstance. It doesn’t help you or anyone else bring clarity or vision to the next step in the pathway to success. It just traps you in the past. It just fills your mind with regrets rather than positive thoughts in order to move forward.
Another way the word, “could”, is often used is by saying something like this: Well, I could… This has a very tentative sound and meaning to it as though you are still working through the thought process and talking aloud. The problem is it’s telling your subconscious that nothing is definite. As business people we need to be confident of what we think and express it accordingly.
  1. Should: The word, “should” almost sounds like something a parent would say. For example: You should have cleaned your room now you can’t go to the party Friday night. Or: You should have done your homework then your grades would be better. Or: You should be like your older brother or sister…  In business, you’ll often hear business people say: I should have done (fill in the blank)…
The word, “should” just attaches a lot of guilt. It doesn’t really inspire to move forward. It’s a word that not only potentially creates a lot of guilt, but perhaps even a degree of shame. In business, you want to inspire yourself on a daily basis as well as those around you to do better, act intelligently and not burdened with guilt in their business actions.
There are other words you can add to this list to eliminate from your business vocabulary, such as:  “would,” ought to,” “might,” or even the word “must.” All these words are similar enough and can be used interchangeably depending on the business situation. You’ll find when a business person uses these words they are often complaining about how the success they want to achieve hasn’t been reached.
In business, there are no excuses.
The words we use every day in business need to inspire, motivate and help everyone become more successful. Think through what you’re saying before you say it because words have meaning and impact on you and everyone you work with.
There has been a lot of talk lately in the news about bullying. By using the wrong words when talking to others, you can be using a form of bullying without even realizing it. Let’s inspire rather than create situations with our words that change the positive potential of the situation.
Every day we have the opportunity to do our best and to bring out the best in others we work with.  It all begins with being selective of our words and how we use them to create positive business situations which lead to more success.


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