Tuesday 3 March 2015


culled from:careerealism.com

But as a wise, skilled, top-level candidate, there is no reason for you to feel any less qualified. In fact, you are likely more qualified than younger competitors; you just need to prove it. Overcome the age factor in your resume by utilizing the following four tips:

1. Focus On Recent Jobs

If you’ve had more than a couple of jobs during your career, then it’s a good idea to focus on the more recent ones as you write your resume. A good rule of thumb is to not worry about going back more than 15 years, especially since some of what you learned prior to that may not be relevant to the job you’re applying for anyway.

2. Pinpoint Your Strengths

It’s even more important for you to highlight your greatest accomplishments in your career as a seasoned professional. Keep in mind the more recent the accomplishments, the better (i.e. 2009 accomplishments vs. 1979 accomplishments).
Employers are not as interested in what you did at the beginning of your career—when you were still learning your craft—as they are what you have accomplished as a skilled candidate.

3. Keep Up With The Times

One reservation employers could have when considering older workers is a fear that they may not be able to keep up with technological advancements. It’s good for you to show you are not only keeping up, but are right in the fold.
Show you understand the Internet by submitting your resume online. Not only that, discuss your technological aptitudes in your resume, and list your professional online profiles too (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) to give yourself a great boost as a candidate.

4. Consider A Functional Resume

One more thing to consider is creating a functional resume that doesn’t list the years of your accomplishments but instead focuses on the accomplishments alone. Some employers see functional resumes as red flags for gaps in employment or other issues, however, so take the time to be thorough if you choose to take this route.
As a seasoned professional with many years of experience under your belt, it’s important you help employers to focus less on your age and more on your talents and capabilities. There’s no doubt you can get the job done. Now, show the employer just how capable you are!


  1. Personal development itself deals with timing.

    Think less of your age and focus more on your strength, talent and ability.

  3. ADEYANJU LATEEF ADEWALE: what you have to offer the organization is the most important, and not age.

  4. ADEBAYO ADEIFEMI ADEYEMI: Give more consideration to your productive experience than your age.

  5. OLAGBAYE OLUFEMI TOSIN: Age is nothing but just a number. let them know you might be old in age , but still possess the ability and the strength of the young ones.
