Thursday 5 March 2015

Exercise improves sex life


The key to giving your sex life an added boost is as simple as hitting the gym. Exercise increases energy, tones your muscles, burns fat and improves your mood and self-image. But for more reasons than you may know, exercise can also improve your sex life. For instance, research shows that if you burn as little as 200 additional calories a day, you can lower your risk of erectile dysfunction. Stretching is also important for loosening you up to be able to have fun during sex and experiment with different positions. So even if you already have a pretty great sex life, try incorporating these six exercises and stretches into your workout routine — and reap the benefits in the bedroom.
1. Kegels You read that right. Kegels are a great sex exercise for men as well as for women. They improve endurance and control by toning and strengthening the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles (the muscles that allow you to stop the flow of urine mid-stream) and the perineal muscles (the muscles that support erectile rigidity and provide the power behind ejaculation). They can help alleviate erectile dysfunction, and men can delay ejaculation by contracting the same muscles just before orgasm. 
HOW TO DO THEM: Start by interrupting the flow of urine when going to the bathroom to get familiar with the PC muscles. Once you’re familiar with them, your goal will be to progressively increase the squeeze duration, intensity and number of reps until you tire. But when you do them, don’t hold your breath, push down or tighten your stomach, buttocks or thigh muscles. Work up to five seconds, relaxing in between each contraction, for 10 to 20 reps.
2. Stability-Ball Crunches This variation of the standard abdominal crunch requires balance and stability while strengthening your core. A stronger core improves your thrusting ability and strengthens your back.  
HOW TO DO THEM: Place your middle to lower back on a large stability ball, with your feet (about hip- or shoulder-distance apart) planted firmly on the floor. Place your fingertips behind the nape of your neck, roll the shoulders back and slowly, while lifting through the chest, raise your upper body until your abdominal muscles tighten. Take it as deep as you can manage without compromising form. Slowly return to your starting position and repeat. Work up to three sets of 30 crunches.
3. Squats Because squats are known to increase testosterone levels and to increase blood flow to the pelvic region, they’re an incredible exercise for enhancing sex. 
HOW TO DO THEM: With a dumbbell in each hand held straight down at your sides, bend at the hips and knees to squat as low as you can while keeping your back straight. Keep your shins as vertical as possible and your knees directly over your ankles. As you lower, slowly raise your arms straight out in front of you to shoulder height. Drive through the heels and you will naturally lean forward a bit in the upper body for balance. Slowly rise to standing as you lower your arms back down to your sides to complete one rep. Do at least 15 reps.
4. Seated Straddle Stretch If you sit at a desk or work at a computer for hours a day, it can constrict and stagnate the muscles below the waist. Doing a straddle stretch will loosen things up, bringing blood flow back to the pelvic and groin region. Increased blood flow means increased sensation, which means better orgasms. It’s also an excellent inner-thigh stretch, which will enable you to introduce some adventurous positions in the sack. 
HOW TO DO IT: Sit on the floor with your legs wide apart. Flex your feet and make sure your knees are pointing up toward the ceiling. Roll your shoulders back, lengthen through the crown of the head and slowly lean as far forward as you can comfortably go while keeping your back straight. Reach your hands to touch your calves, ankles or toes and breathe deeply. With each exhale, take your stretch a little deeper without curving or hunching your back. Hold the position for five to 10 long breaths.
5. Reclined Butterfly Pose This stretch loosens up your inner thighs and your hips, the muscles that are constantly stretched and challenged in a multitude of sexual positions. By adding the butterfly stretch to your workout, you’ll be strong, loose and ready for action! 
HOW TO DO IT: Lie on your back and bend your legs in toward your chest, soles of the feet together and your tailbone down. Grab your feet and pull them in toward your chest as you use your elbows to press your knees outward. Be careful not to let your neck bow up from the floor. Keep your neck and spine relaxed. Hold this posture as you continue to press the knees outward for 15 to 20 seconds.


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