Monday 2 March 2015

Healthy Foods


Belly fat is common in seven out of ten people and its usually caused by poor food choices and other lifestyle habits. Belly bloat can be prevented or watched though healthy eating and exercises.
But the following food surprisingly help to work on the 'bloat'. Check on them
1. Eggs
If you want to lose some fat around the belly, eggs are a great way to start your day. Eggs are loaded with protein and eating them for breakfast provides staying power. Eating eggs for breakfast, studies reveal makes it possible not to overeat the rest of the day. Eggs also provide other nutrients to help keep your tummy trim.
Eggs also provide vitamin D (Insufficient blood levels of vitamin D have been linked to obesity, including abdominal obesity). Another power nutrient in eggs, Choline is known to play a role in fat metabolism.
2. Olive Oil
Healthful mono unsaturated fats found in olive oil could potentially switch on genes related to the burning and storage of fat. Mono unsaturated fats also help control blood sugar levels, which play a key role in keeping hunger at bay and reducing fat accumulation around the midsection.
3. Asparagus
This vegetable has an all time anti bloating effect. It also contains probiotics that helps the digestive system by maintaining the growth of 'good' bacteria. Eat steamed asparagus a few times a week for a flatter midriff.
4. Bananas
Banana is rich in potassium,  a natural diuretic that helps de-bloats the belly. Banana also relieves/prevent constipation which could result in a belly bloat.
5. Cucumber
Cucumbers are loaded with water and naturally low calories that helps with weight management and hydration.


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