Thursday 5 March 2015

 5 Tips to Stop Stress Eating
  Lizzie Fuhr, FitSugar
culled from:
 Become aware of your eating habits so you don't fall into an emotional eating trap
When you're feeling a little down in the dumps, chowing down on a heaping helping of comfort food may seem like a quick fix, but you're only doing your body injustice. Stress eating is a real issue that affects our ability to lose weight and keep it off. Before checking out all that's happening in your fridge or the party in your pantry, read these five tips to help you stop stress eating and start feeling fabulous. What's Your Eating Personality (and How It Prevents Weight Loss)
  1. Remember, you're in control. When you feel like you're not in control of what you're eating, you won't be. You're the only person with the power to change this problem. Recognizing your propensity to reach for solace in the pantry is the first step to taking control back.
Make Healthy Snacking Easy With These Tips
  1. Stop snacking mindlessly as you watch TV. Coming out of a slight daze and realizing you've inhaled a bag of chips is not the best feeling in the world. If watching TV and snacking go hand in hand in your house, make a point to stop the cycle. If you can't give up snack time while you're by the tube, make it a point to snack on something clean and healthy like a piece of fruit, fresh berries, or sliced veggies.
  2. Take stock of what you're eating. Keeping a food journal may seem like a laborious task, but after just a day or two, you'll understand its benefits. Writing down what you're chowing down means you're becoming responsible for what you put into your body. When you realize all the empty snacking you've been taking part in, you'll be far more likely to cut down.
Cottage Cheese Helps Weight Loss
  1. Banish problem foods. If you don't have the willpower right now to say no to unhealthy foods when you see them, it's time to bid them adieu from your kitchen. Eliminating the culprit from the equation will help you cut down the mindless eating at home—or reach for something that's better for you.
  2. Honestly ask yourself, "Am I hungry?" It seems so simple, but these three little words make a world of difference. Before you pull out food without thinking, asking yourself this simple question will help you recognize when you're actually hungry or when you're just trying to fill up an emotional or physical void.


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