Thursday, 12 March 2015

Masturbate the right way...


Many take is as a perversion, a mental challenge that is as terrible as incest, murder and all the horrible crimes of men.
The truth however remains that many people engage in masturbation and it is a healthy sexual activity that is highly rewarding.
Simply put, it is one (maybe the only) way to experience sexual release all through one’s life.
However, when masturbation becomes compulsive or affects you normal functioning, especially sexually with your partner, then you have a problem in your hands.
Anyway, here are 7 ways it can help you:
  1. Your confidence will be boosted Boost your confidence. A number of people have attested to the fact that that masturbation (and sex) helps put your confidence level on a high. Try it. Next time you have an important meeting, business or otherwise, masturbate before and see.
  2. You will sleep better after a good masturbation session. It leaves you with a relaxing feeling just like with a professional massage and sex, relaxing the muscles. This will help you relax and sleep better and faster too
  3. You can get an orgasm at any time you want it. Masturbation gives you ready orgasms all day. An orgasm is yours for the asking with masturbation. You don’t need a partner, just a private space and a creative mind
  4. Your human relationship will improve. When you are consumed by the urge for sex, your temper is on an edge and this affects how you handle people. This is the reason why sex-starved people act with aggression, even at work. You can masturbate when you feel like this. It will give you temporary sex release and ease the tension.
  5. You can experiment. Here, you don’t have to ask for your partner’s permission before doing something. Solo time allows for you to introduce sex toys and do all you can imagine.
  6. You don't need condoms. Because you can’t impregnate yourself or get a disease from yourself, you would have no need for protection. You do however need clean hands.
  7. It’s all about you and only you. With normal sex, you are worried about your partner, trying to please him or her. But masturbation is about you doing it all for you.
Bear it in mind that masturbation is a cheap, safe and enjoyable alternative for people who have no access to sex or wish to avoid pregnancy and transmitted diseases.
Also note that too much masturbation is dangerous and can even damage your organ.


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