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As women, we can wear many hats in life, whether it’s serving our fellow human, living simply or dealing with the responsibilities of owning a company. You are capable of doing it all, so don’t limit yourself! Let’s look at some exciting things you may not have realized you can actually do!
These things might give you ideas about how you can change the world, so don’t be afraid to think big! Step one to changing the world is thinking about how you’re using your time, the most valuable thing you have.
Sometimes we doubt ourselves and think we don’t have as much personal power as we do. This article could radically shift your perspective on what you are capable of in a lifetime! Break free from the shackles of your mind and realize you’re limitless!
Here are 10 things you might want to start planning for today because they each require careful planning and a legit time commitment. You need to write down everything outrageous you really want to do, and to get you started, you should look at these crazy bucket list ideas.
1. Run for political office
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Study the political structure and decide your stance on important issues. Make sure you focus on what is most important and can help people, not on creating a name for yourself.
2. Spend a month in an ashram
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You can get in touch with what is truly important in life and overcome fears contrived in your own mind. Before you go, do some research about which ashrams people have had good experiences in.
An authentic ashram will be free, there are a lot of ashrams that have become more like a luxury resort and will charge for your visit. In order to strip yourself of exterior things and focus internally, you need the real experience.
What will you need? A few thousand dollars for airfare and a passport. The attire is usually traditional bindis and very conservative, so you can expect to not be drinking or dating during your month there. You will be able to just focus on how you think about things and improve your ability to focus so that you can maintain a positive attitude!
3. Write a book that changes the world
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If you’re going to spend the 50-100 hours it will take (at least) to write a book, you want to spend adequate time thinking about WHY you’re writing it. If you write about something you’re very passionate about, you won’t have trouble finishing it. Write about something you think will help people for years to come.
To start, get some books about how to write. Attend writing workshops and start to exercise your writing muscle. It will get easier over time and the words will begin to flow without forcing it. I recommend outlining your book, doing research and then writing it.
Sitting down without a clear structure or a ton of background research might make the book confusing and you might lose focus of what you’re trying to get across to readers. When I first started writing, I romanticized the idea and just wrote whatever popped into my mind without outlining, and now I always use outlines so it’s clear what I’m talking about.
If you’re working with fiction, study plot structures so you understand how to evoke emotions and weave in a theme. You can do it!
4. Fly your own plane
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You don’t need to rely on someone else to fly you around when you’re a pilot and it’s not a far reach. There are only some people who will not be allowed to get a pilot’s license do to certain physical impairments.
If you want to use your energy to fight for good causes and be a mover and a shaker, fly your own plane!
5. Direct a play
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This is a fun thing to study and take classes about, because unlike engineering, it’s not a math problem, it’s about emotional intelligence and communication.
How will you start? Buy some plays from The Drama Book Shop and find one you’re in love with. Next, look for a community center, warehouse space or library theatre and see which prices sound reasonable. Set a date and book the space. Cast your play with friends or use craigslist to find actors. Start with a read through and set up a rehearsal schedule.
To raise money you can throw a fundraiser at a local bar with the cover charge going to the play. Work with the local bar to work something out. They benefit because you’ll invite all your friends who will buy drinks and you’ll have money for costumes and printing programs.
You can use brownpapertickets to sell tickets. Give yourself at least 6 months for the process. If you don’t know how to direct, take a directing class at a local community college first.
6. Produce a movie
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If you could spend 50,000 on a car or 50,000 producing a movie, why not get a cheap car and produce the movie that will bring a positive message to potentially millions of people? When we think about using our money on projects and not things, it opens up the possibilities of what we can experience and learn in life!
7. Get your art in a gallery
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If you have something to say, which I bet you do, make some art and submit to competitions and galleries. Be patient, and you’ll get your work into an art gallery. There are also online galleries like Artistbe and ArtCorner that are effective as well.
8. Throw a charity event
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There are many reasons to throw a charity event: disaster relief, raising funds for local shelters, raising money for sustainable education, donating to an animal shelter or a charity that helps disabled people. There are many more causes that you can choose from to plan a charity event.
Where do you start? After you choose what you will be raising money for, find a venue and a band. Contact some local companies who might like to show up and give away drinks or food. Create a silent auction and get artists and companies to donate.
Often it can help local businesses market if they give things away. Finally, create a Facebook event and invite all your friends. See if a liquor company will donate some beer or wine and get some volunteers to help with ticketing, set up and break down.
9. Start a business
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You will want to look into insurance and figure out if you want to start an LLC (limited liability corporation) or a corporation. Depending on what your business will be, one will make more sense. Choose to do something you could see yourself doing long-term and give it A LOT of thought. Study and research the industry before you jump in. The more research you do, the better your business will be.
10. Adopt later in life
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Adopting will be a challenge and not a walk in the park. You will want to be sure you have a steady income, a stable life and no personal problems that would create anything less than a peaceful environment for a child.
Adopting is a lifelong commitment, and you need to consider what you are really signing up for before you go through with it. Get some conscious parenting books and make sure you know how to keep a child healthy.
11. Move to another country
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As you will need to learn from your environment in order to see what makes people tick, you will have to stretch your own habits and step outside of your comfort zone. This can help you build communication skills and relate to people on a deeper level than just the local hubbub. Anyone can get used to their local town, but it takes courage and character to adapt to a new culture and environment.
12. Establish a non-profit
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You will need to have a board of advisors, a lawyer, and official meetings with notes. There are certain financial things you need to be aware of, such as how you are allowed to make and spend money. Do your research and you will be able to get it up and running in a few months.
13. Become an activist
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The Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy, The World Wildlife Federation, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are organizations that hold events you can get involved with. Of course, there are many more, just do some research online. Use charitynavigator to find out which non-profits are using funds appropriately.
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