Tuesday 3 March 2015

 culled from:http://www.forbes.com
 Want someone to change?
Want them to change faster?
Then have your company follow the same model used for effective personal change. The result will be faster and more effective change.
Change happens in levels. Einstein knew this, per his Unified Field theory. Gregory Bateson knew this, in his Logical Levels.
Image Credit: Christine Comaford Associates, LLC (c) 2011
Building on Bateson’s model I’ve found that companies as well as individuals change in six concentric rings. These rings move from Environment (easy and less impactful change) to Core/Culture (more difficult, yet profound, life- or company-altering change). You can work your way inward and ultimately affect the Core/Culture, but if you start inward at the Core/Culture you’ll affect all of the outer rings.
Address the Symptom… or the System?
When a problem presents itself most executives look for point solutions such as “what problem/situation do I need to change?” This is tactical thinking. Maybe you want your people to be more accountable, your sales people to sell more, your engineers to innovate better or your client care to service accounts better.
Solving these problems is addressing the symptom, not the System. It is not looking at the situation systemically. Consider the difference between Western and Eastern medicine: Western is problem and point-solution oriented, and Eastern is preventive and systemic-solution oriented.
Look at the concentric circles above: Environment, Behavior, Capability, are where we see the Symptoms. Beliefs, Identity, Core/Culture are where we have the System.
What happens when you work at the symptom level? You’ll have to deal with the next symptom, and the next symptom, for frikking ever — because it’s the System that causes all the Symptoms.
To get out of this endless cycle we need to look at how our business is being impacted on multiple levels… then we can operate with far more impact once we treat the system—not just the next symptom.

Shift Happens
The first level of change is Environment. Think of the environment of your home as a child, as this is where your environment expectations were set on your Map (see Why People Do What They Do to understand how your Map was created). Today your workplace Environment is your physical space and emotional environment. The vibe in your office is part of your Environment. Is it positive, collaborative, got-your-back team oriented? Or is it negative, fearful, everyone-for-themselves silo oriented? Environment changes can be permanent or temporary: you can move to a new office or location, temporarily change rooms or just take a walk.
Environment is the outermost and simplest level of change—it doesn’t complete the story. It alone rarely affects profound change. Reorganizations are Environment changes, which is why they alone rarely, if ever, improve a company’s culture. A new job title and new responsibilities can help someone’s career and position and office location, but it won’t fundamentally change who they are.
The next level is Behavior. Suppose you make a New Year’s resolution to go to the gym. How long does that last? You want to lose five pounds, so you stop eating dessert for a few weeks. That’s a behavior change. A few weeks later that tiramisu or cheesecake looks really good…. and there you go. Behavior change can be woefully transitory. And even if you did stay on your diet, would it change who you are, how you see the world, your ability to interact with it with more choice, power, resources?
Moving inward we come to Capability. Let’s say you want to gain a new Capability. You want to learn French. So you take on the Behavior of going to French classes. Then you decide to go to France, and you change your Environment by going to Paris. As you make changes at deeper levels in the Logical Levels of Change, the outermost levels are impacted.
Environment, Behavior, Capability changes can be mundane. Yet this is where most CEOs spend their time and energy, which is why organizations struggle to cause true and lasting transformative and positive change.
They change outside in, instead of inside out.
Image Credit: www.fishandgame.idaho.gov
Now we’re getting to the juicy stuff, friends…
Beliefs are rules, rights and wrongs, shoulds and shouldn’ts, goods and bads, cans and can’ts about the world or other people. Beliefs are more deeply seated in our subconscious, so they require more excavation to change, and the skillful use of neuroscience techniques you’ll learn from me in coming blog posts.
Identity is a collection of Beliefs about ourselves. Our initial identity was formed in early childhood, yet as long as we commit to personal growth it will continue to evolve. This is why we learn to edit our Maps—to expand our Identity and have more choice in our lives. Fill in the blank to learn what your beliefs about yourself are: “I AM _____________”. Powerful? Confident? Loved? Influential? Smart? For your company, your collective identity would be “WE ARE _____________.”
And now we come to the best part: Core/Culture. Core applies to an individual, and Culture applies to an organization. It’s who you are, what you stand for, what must last if all else is stripped away. It’s your purpose, your contribution to the greater good, your legacy, your relationship to power and possibility.
Per my blog Why We Do What We Do you’ll recall that a company too has a Map, which is primarily formed from the Maps of the CEO and key tribal leaders of the company. The Culture for a company is the combination of these individual executive Maps plus the company’s beliefs about its executives, what rituals the company has, what is rewarded, what behavior has consequences. The tribal customs are here, the function or dysfunction is here. It’s the real stuff.
In my next blog I’ll show exactly how Core/Culture changes can be made, as well as a fascinating before/after scenario where Crushed Culture was ended.
Are you focusing on the Symptoms or the System?
Christine Comaford combines neuroscience and business strategy to help CEOs achieve rapid growth and create high performance teams. Follow her on twitter: @comaford. Her current NY Times bestselling book is entitled SmartTribes: How Teams Become Brilliant Together.
 Join her tribe and get free webinars, neuroscience resources, and more by clicking here.


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