Monday 2 March 2015

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There are many areas to look at in communication: a message is communicated through visual, vocal and verbal means. From that, comes the importance of body language, how we present ourselves, and so on. The visual and vocal elements are indeed very important to effective communication, but we will not touch on that here. Rather, let’s look at why many people experience a challenge in communicating effectively from the verbal aspect:

Part 1 of 2: Avoiding poor communication

  1. Be Confident and Speak in Public Without Preparation Step 13.jpg
    Overcome common errors. These are the some of the pitfalls to avoid and manage in order to evoke a response and admiration from listeners:
    • Self-consciousness. To be a good conversationalist, be a great listener. Be genuinely interested in what the other person has to say, ask the right questions (because we genuinely want to know more) and presto, people will laud you as great communicators!
    • It’s often your own self-consciousness that makes you tongue-tied and awkward. When you are so preoccupied with what intelligent idea to share next, you can barely concentrate on listening to and understanding the other party.
    • Non-empathy. The other block to good communication is non-empathy. If you are sometimes so intent on putting your ideas across, you may forget to be sensitive or empathic toward the other person. Is the person in a rush, or does he or she have other matters on his or her mind?
    • Lack of clarity. This comes from a lack of clarity in your thoughts as well as your verbal communication. It starts from your thoughts: are you quite clear in your mind as to what the message is that you wish to convey? From there, move on to effective choice of words. Some people may have a language problem: they may be thinking in their mother language, say Mandarin or Punjabi, and trying to express their ideas in a language they are not comfortable with, say English.
    • Part 2 of 2: Communicating with clarity

      1. Learn German by Immersion Step 12.jpg
        Learn to organize your thoughts. Before making an important presentation, list down the points you want to make in a logical sense. If language is a challenge, then write your ideas down in proper sentences and ask a friend to go through these for you. That's not to say you should read from your paper or memorize the “speech” but just writing it down and reading it a few times will help you a great deal in putting your message across.
      2. Make a Successful Negotiation Step 2.jpg
        Involve the listener in the conversation. It should be about what he or she wants to listen rather than what you want to convey. Many people think as long as they speak fluently, they are good communicators. Not so, as those of you who have had to listen to someone go on and on about themselves, will testify. They may be such eloquent speakers, and even entertaining at times, but there’s only so much we can take in a one-way communication. Some of you have probably been in a situation where you just wish you were somewhere else after 20 minutes!
      3. Learn French for Beginners Step 2.jpg
        Practice persuasive communication. This takes place when the person we are communicating with, understands what we want to say, feels what we are feeling and is then motivated to take action on what we have said.
      4. Communicate to Evoke Admiration Step 5.jpg
        Ask questions. One skill that can help you move from effective to persuasive communication is that of asking questions. This is a powerful skill that once mastered, will indeed help you see immediate results in your daily communication – be it sales, presentation of ideas, talking to your friends or simply getting your child to do what you want.
      5. 5
        Use compassionate communication. Give your full attention to the person or persons you are with. Listen carefully to what has been said. Summarize back in your own terms. Seek, most of all, to get to the heart of what the other person is saying and conveying; things left unsaid are also part of the conversation. What is the other person really trying to say? What perspective are they coming from, what about it makes you feel other or different, and how can you compassionately reconcile your two positions? Remember that everyone does it tough some of the time, and it may just be that you're dealing with someone going through things that makes it hard for them to listen well but they will appreciate your ready understanding.
      6. Tips

      7. For effective communication to take place it is essential that the audience understands and accepts your expertise in the subjects you are dealing.
      8. You should speak in short sentences with pause and punctuation at appropriate places.This will help people to understand & absorb the gist of your message.
      9. It helps always to get a good introduction to the audience before you speak.The person introducing you should focus on the your area of expertise and achievement.
      10. Your body language and speech should be in the same direction.It should be complimentary and not obtrusive to each other.
      11. It helps to spend few moments in familiarisation with the audience.It helps to establish a wavelength with them.
      12. You transmission and audience reception should be on the same wavelength, otherwise you cannot make an effective communication.
      13. Warnings

      14. Please do not make statements you cannot substantiate.
      15. Audience are intelligent, please don't take them for granted.
      16. If you do not have an answer to a question.please be honest and admit it. Take their email or phone details and promise them to get back soon with your replies.Please keep your promise.

1 comment:

  1. This shows how. Communication aids flow and efficiency communnication among co workers.
